Page 42 of Mafia Princess
I can see him chewing the inside of his lip. “I don’t think so.” He eyes Storm and Midnight and then looks back at his car.
“I’m not leaving them here.” I squat down and wrap my arms around Midnight’s neck and pull puppy dog eyes at him.
“Fuck,” he growls, turns on his bare feet, and jogs to the car.
I watch him open the trunk and grab out a few black garbage bags before climbing into the driver’s seat. I hope Vana keeps Papa occupied because the sound of the Murcielago firing up is fucking loud. I see Luca’s hand pop out his door and he waves me over.
“Quietly, girls.” I place my finger over my lips and the three of us dash for the car. I open the door as quietly as I can to see the whole interior covered in black plastic. “How do you expect to drive with all this?” I bend down and look at Luca sitting in the seat, pleased with his efforts.
“Shut up and get in before I change my mind.” He closes his door.
I climb in and pat my legs for my girls to jump in. The cabin space is instantly filled with my dogs, I close my door, and try not to laugh at the absurdity. We’re packed in like sardines, the black plastic already hot and sticky.
“You two better not piss or shit in here,” Luca mumbles before firing up the engine.
He has Midnight’s large tongue hanging near his face, her sharp canines on display. I see him look at her and she licks his face, much to his disgust.
“I think she’s smitten,” I chuckle and pat her on the head.
“She better not fucking bite me.” He revs the engine and does a giant burn out as we leave the house.
“Fucking hell, why’d you have to do that?” I hold on to my dogs to stop us all ending up in his lap.
“Because I can.” He rolls up to the gate, which opens automatically, and salutes the guard as we pass.
The long drive, with a few pitstops for toilet breaks, is smelly, to say the least. In true Storm style, she drops stinky farts like the best of them, making Luca curse under his breath. We pull up at my dorms and I let the girls out first.
“You know they don’t allow animals on Verona grounds, let alone living in dorm rooms.” Luca inspects the damage from all the dog drool.
“Enzo can suck my dick.” I roll my eyes at him and climb out of the car.
Luca exits his car, wrapping all the plastic up carefully to contain as much dog hair as he can. I can see it on his face he is not impressed in the slightest.
I stroll around the car and take his face in my hands, making him look at me. “Thanks for doing this, you know what my babies mean to me.” I kiss him deeply and press myself against his bare chest. We must look like a hot mess, barefoot and disheveled, covered in dog hair and drool.
“I’ll send you the car detailer’s bill.” He grins at me and pulls me tighter into him.
I hear Storm’s low growl, her side pressed against my leg, ready to attack on my command. “Shh, it’s okay, we like this one.” I grin against Luca’s lips as Storm presses harder into my leg.
“I’ve got to go and get fight night set up.” Luca presses a kiss to my forehead, before releasing his arms from around my waist.
“I like fight night.” The itch to get into a ring again burns in my veins. I haven’t had a good sparring session in weeks and the need to bleed and feel the deep pain aches in my bones.
“You’re not beating up our potential recruits.” His grin widens
“I’ll do as I please.” I step away from him and throw him a snarky grin. “Come on girls, let's see your new home.”
I watch Luca shake his head at me and I feel his gaze burning through my dress, tingling my skin, as I walk away from him.
I turn the card over in my hands and run my fingertip over the scrawl written in blood. My mind running a million miles an hour trying to piece together events, dates, and people I have fucked over these past few months. Nothing makes any sense and my irritation carves at my insides. Not knowing who the fuck is sending these cryptic messages is making me want to go on a stabbing spree. I shove the card into my bag, with the other note, and head out the door, leaving my two girls lounging on my bed.
“Be good, I love you,” I say to them as I close the door behind me.