Page 19 of Sinister
“You don’t waste any time.” She grabs my drink from my hand and throws it back.
“Oh my God! Sass!” I smile at Connor apologetically.
His grin is infectious.
“You can go now. We have no need for you.” Saskia pushes the guy she dragged here away before she turns her sights on Connor. “Credentials,” she demands from him, her hands placed on her hips like a protective mother.
“Saskia!” I pull her into me. “I’m so sorry. Ignore her.”
He chuckles and shakes his head slightly. “Graduated from Bolton Elite. Attending Sable Lakes.”
“I approve. Now let’s get some drinks into us. I’m not drunk enough.” She slaps the bar and sits her hot ass down next to me.
“I’m so sorry.” I mouth to Connor.
“He’s cute as fuck. Get his dick into you,” Saskia giggles into my ear. Her lipstick is probably smeared all over me now.
“Shh.” I cover her mouth with my palm. She licks me and tickles me with her tongue.
While Sass and I wrestle my hand away from her mouth, Connor orders us both bright purple cocktails. As the bartender places the drinks in front of us, she promises not to make any more comments about how I need to get laid. “Thank you, spidey.” Sass appreciates her drink and slowly sips it. At least this way she shuts up for a few minutes.
“So, are you attending SLU?” Connor looks at me, his eyes hungry and demanding.
Shaking my head in response, I’m starting to not regret having to go there, especially now that this cute guy is. “I’m being forced to.”
“You make it sound like it’s a bad thing.” A sly smirk turns up the corner of his lips, making my insides do somersaults.
Saskia leans over me, almost pushing me off my seat. “Make her change her mind, spider boy.”
“No one can change my mind. I’m going to hate it.” I pat her on the butt and push her back into her chair.
Saskia pokes her tongue out at me just as three guys dressed in matching pink nighties approach Connor and give him fist bumps and bro hugs. Watching in fascination, I try to work out what their nightmares are and all I can come up with is that they’re scared of women’s pajamas.
Turning in his seat, Connor looks at me and winks before he stands and follows the three guys into the crowd.
“He’s not worth it if he’s easily scared off by me.” Sass drapes her arm around my shoulders. “It’s just you and me, girlfriend.”
Grabbing Sass’ hand, I slide off my chair and pull her after me into the dancing crowd to join the swaying, sweaty bodies that seem to be sardined into the small space. We dance for a good hour and not a single guy has come near us. I’m starting to think I have zero chance of losing my virginity in this town. Even here at a party that isn’t filled with the usual elite boys and girls school crowd, I am ignored. It’s starting to put a dent in my confidence.
I’m thankful I wore my long hair in a low bun because it would be stuck to my skin with how much I’m sweating. “Air,” I shout over the music to Sass who nods in agreement.
Pushing past the others we manage to find our way to the rear of the house and onto the back lawn where chairs have been placed haphazardly. The crisp night air cools my overheated skin as I take a seat in the chair sitting away from the bright light of the spotlight.
Sinking back into the garden chair I glance up at the sky and marvel at the twinkling stars. We’re not that far out of town but it amazes me that the stars are this bright here.
“I’m going to grab us a drink. Don’t go anywhere.” Saskia points at me before she heads back toward the house and re-emerges within minutes with a bottle of Armand de Brignac Rose champagne and two glasses, giggling like a little school girl.
Shaking my head at her as she hands me the champagne, the cork already popped, and seats herself next to me. She holds out the champagne flutes while I pour us a drink. “You always know my favorite.” I place the bottle by my heels and clink glasses with her.
“I don’t care you hate that you’re going to SLU, I’m fucking ecstatic.” She pouts at me, showing me she can pretend to be sad too.
I grab her hand and squeeze it. “Let’s both transfer to Berkeley.”
“You know I can’t. My dad will kill me if I don’t attend SLU and be the Queen of the Diamonds Frat. It’s a whole thing, you know this. I’m still in shock the V.’s are allowing you out of the house at this stage.”
“I think they’re happy to be getting rid of me.” I laugh and take a big gulp of the champagne. As much as they’ve treated me like family and never like an outsider, I know they’ll be relieved to get some distance from me for a while.
“I doubt it. Mama V. loves you like her own.”