Page 20 of Sinister
I shrug and think about what my life will look like in a few days. Away from the Vitiello mansion and dumped in the frat house with their son. I drink the rest of the champagne in my flute and pour us both another round. I can feel the buzz already and I’m only a few drinks in.
“You better not mope around like some 2000’s emo now that you’re stuck at Sable Lakes.” Sass holds out her pinky to me and raises her eyebrows.
I wrap my pinky around hers. “Pinky swear. Pinky swear. Commit to this or get the electric chair.” We both burst into laughter at our childhood chant. “We haven’t pinky swore for years.”
“You better keep it or else.” She lifts my champagne glass to my lips and makes me drink it all in one go.
“I swear. I swear. I don’t even know what I’m committing to here.” I lean down and as I do my eye catches a movement in my peripheral. Glancing up I spot two guys dressed in normal clothes heading toward us from the other side of the house.
“What are you looking at?” Sass follows my line of vision when we both realize it’s Rome and Chaser.
“Jesus fuck they look good or is it my champagne goggles?” Saskia mutters under her breath.
I’m not one to disagree with her. They’re both hot as fuck and they know it. They’re dressed in dark blue baggy jeans and hoodies. Chaser sporting the Sable Lakes University logo across his chest. I’m guessing he found it somewhere because orientation isn’t for another few days and I’ve never seen any of the guys in university paraphernalia. Chaser’s dazzling smile widens as he nears and he comes straight for me, giving me a big bear hug before grabbing one of the spare lawn chairs from another group and planting himself next to Sass.
“Ass up.” Rome indicates with his pointer finger for me to move.
I know that if I don’t move, he’ll happily pick me up out of the chair and seat himself in it. So, to avoid my ass being shown to the rest of the party, I hold my two hands out to him and he pulls me up. Before I can get my balance, thanks to the champagne going to my head, Rome grips my waist and pulls me down into his lap.
“You smell so fucking good.” He pulls me back and cradles me into his chest.
“You smell like bonfire smoke.” I wave my hand in front of my face to emphasize how strong the smell is. “Where did you guys come from? I thought you weren’t coming tonight.”
Chaser leans forward, grabbing the champagne bottle and chugging the rest of the liquid in it. “We paid a visit to Sable Lakes to check out our living quarters for the next four years.”
“Did you burn the place down?” Saskia pushes Chaser’s arm and takes the bottle back off him, tipping it upside down to show he drank the last drop.
“There may or may not have been a bonfire of sorts and there was no fucking way we were letting you come here without us.” Rome’s fingers trace circles on my thigh.
I try to move and get up out of Rome’s lap. “You can’t keep a watchful eye on me all the time.” I huff in annoyance.
“Where are you going?” He stops me. “I kind of like having you here on top of me.” His whisper has a double meaning and I know he’s playing with me.
“Rome,” I warn and brace myself against his chest, looking down into his hooded eyes. “Are you high?”
“That’s beside the point.” He chuckles, and I feel the rumble in his chest.
“I think he’s finally worked out in that thick skull of his that this is the last week we’ll have you all to ourselves. Those college boys are a little more brazen, and there’s too many to control. Our boy is having mad regrets. Anyone want a drink?” Chaser winks at me.
“Fuck up, dude.” Rome flips Chaser the finger.
“Why don’t one of you just fuck her already?” Saskia’s voice slices through the uncomfortable tension that has suddenly arisen.
Maybe the tension is just me and how being this close to Rome feels a lot different than it did yesterday. What the hell did they put in the champagne? My heart kicks up a notch as I stare into Rome’s dark gaze. He’s comfortably leaning back as though this little conversation isn’t affecting him at all.
Pushing on his chest, I attempt to get up again, but he stops me, pinning me down into his hard dick and making sure I can feel him. I wrap my arms around his neck. His teeth capture his lower lip as he gazes up at me with hooded eyes.
“What are you doing?” I whisper so only he can hear me.
“I don’t fucking know,” he growls in pain.
“This isn’t fair, Rome.” I shift on his lap, making sure my ass presses into his dick extra hard.
He moves ever so slightly, probably to get some distance from me, before he throws his head back and groans into the night air.
“You two are killing yourselves for no reason here. Fuck already.” Sass bursts into something that sounds like a demonic cackle, breaking the sudden tension between Rome and me.
“Meet me inside.” I move to look at him and he stares back at me. A mixture of confusion, need and apprehension rolls off his heated skin. I climb off him and he lets me this time, grabbing my hand as I step away and finally letting it go after I take a step away from the group.