Page 55 of Sinister
“Stop it.”
“You could probably add Sin to that list too, now that you’ve discovered you’re into him pleasuring himself.”
“Oh my God, I knew I shouldn’t have told you. I’ll never hear the end of this.” I shake my head at her, smiling at her teasing.
“Eat up so we can go look at the stores. I need something to wear for tonight and so do you.” She pushes my cake closer to me.
“What’s happening tonight?”
“I have studying to do.”
“No, you don’t. It’s Saturday and we’re in college.” She scoops a piece of my cake with her fork and shoves it into my mouth. “Chew.”
We spend the rest of the day getting our nails done and shopping for outfits for tonight. Saskia convinces me to buy the tightest little black dress with the highest split I’ve ever seen. She thinks it will have Rome hard all night, which is fine by me because I can’t get enough of him as it is.
Chapter twenty-five
The place is packed full of college students as we pull up to the Hearts Frat house in our Range Rovers. The man directing the cars points us in the direction of the garages where I see the other two frat’s cars parked in a neat line. The matching Range Rovers still makes me want to snicker, it’s so ridiculous. Rome parks the car and him and Sin sit inside with the doors closed for a few minutes and I wonder what they’re discussing.
“Come on, let’s get us some drinks.” Chaser holds his hand out for me, but not before his dark gaze rakes over me and he drinks me in.
“What?” I ask, a little self-conscious.
“You look fucking delicious.” He grabs my hand and yanks me into him, wrapping his arm around my waist. “Rome is one lucky bastard. Thankfully we’ve never had issues sharing our toys,” he whispers into my ear before uncurling his arm from around me and moving me to his side.
My heart skips a beat in reaction to his words. Saskia comes to mind and her constant encouragement to have both these guys, and let’s be honest, the thought is tempting. “I didn’t know you knew.”
Chaser places a finger over my lips to silence me. “Your secret is safe with me.” He leads me inside the mansion decorated with the four card suits. It’s everywhere from the cups and pillows to the desserts and pictures on the walls.
It’s then I realize we’re all color coordinated as well. No wonder Sass made me buy a black dress to match the frat I live at. All our members are wearing black. Including Rome, Chaser and Sin, who are all in tight plain black t-shirts, black jeans and combat boots. Glancing around, I spot people wearing red, purple and blue, representing their own frat’s color.
The music thuds through me, the deep bass vibrating through the house. Students dance in the center of the main living area, where a DJ is set up on a podium. There’s ping pong tables and pool tables to the right and a makeshift bar to the left, which is where Chaser leads me. Glancing back, I check to see if Rome has followed us in, but I can’t see him.
Chaser leans down and his lips brush against my ear, sending goosebumps over my skin. “What do you want to drink?” He straightens back up and throws me a dazzling grin.
“White Russian.”
He orders our drinks and hands the bartender a folded note. I’m not sure if I was meant to see that exchange but it has my attention. Following him outside, I recognise a few of the students from campus and we exchange smiles, their gazes linger on Chaser longer than necessary.
“Where’s Rome?” I ask, sitting on one of the lawn chairs that face the lake.
“He and Sin have some business to attend to for Raphael. They’re upstairs with Nickolas right now.” He sips his whiskey.
“Fuck. Is that safe? Sin and Nickolas aren’t exactly friends.” I glance up at the house behind us.
“Why do you think Rome went with him?” Chaser winks at me.
“And you’re here to look after me.”
“You make it sound like a chore. As if I wouldn’t choose sitting here with you over being up there with those dickheads.”
“What was the note you gave the bartender?” I sip my drink and wait for him to answer me.
“You saw that.”