Page 44 of Forever Always
Huh? Who the fuck did Jay know besides Ri and me? “You did? Who?”
Jay’s cheeks heated up. Okay, this was weird as fuck. “Um, Dakota.”
I stared at him. “Who?”
“Dakota. Um, the nurse from the hospital. Remember?”
Oh yeah. He was kinda a dick to Ri and me, but it was cause he was protecting Jay so I couldn’t even be pissed. Still, it was fuckin’ weird that Jay was trying hang out with him. I didn’t even know he had his number.
“I didn’t realize you’ve still been talkin’.”
Jay shrugged. “I don’t know. He was really nice to me when Mom was in a coma, made sure I ate and shit. He texted me yesterday, just to check on me, and we’ve been talkin’ a lot since then.”
I narrowed my eyes. This was different. “Do you like him, Jay?”
I’d never known Jay to actually like someone. Fuck people, sure. All the fuckin’ time. But he never texted them outside the meet me at 10 shit, and he never invited them to hang with him during babysitting’ duty.
He shrugged. “Nah. Or, well, I don’t know. He’s not bad to look at though. And it’s kinda nice havin’ someone to just talk about random shit with besides you and Ri.” His eyes widened in horror. “Not that you two aren’t enough. I love both you little shits. It’s just—”
I squeezed his wrist, to stop the spewing. “It’s fine, man. You’re allowed to have friends outside us. Or even more than friends. As long as he treats you right and isn’t a total dick, I’m good.”
Jay smiled softly, which was weird. I’d never seen Jay smile like that. “He’s been great. It’s just hard to tell if I’m just lonely and latched on the first available person or if it’s actually Dakota that’s makin’ me feel this way.”
I grabbed a glass and poured Jay a drink. He fuckin’ needed it. “I get that, man. I’ve been thinkin’ about that a lot after Ri and me, you know . . .”
Jay grinned and waggled his eyebrows. “Oh, I do know,” he replied suggestively.
I threw a rag at him. “Fuck off. All I’m sayin’ is I’m wonderin’ if my change in feelings for Riley is real or if it’s just cause I can’t imagine feelin’ safe with anyone else. He’s my person. He always fuckin’ has been. But is that the same thing?”
“I don’t know. But you and Ri make fuckin’ sense. I saw it comin’ a mile away.”
“You don’t think we’re just trauma bonded or somethin’?”
Jay laughed. “Now you sound like Riley. And maybe? Nothin’ about your childhood was normal. Y’all were forced to rely on each other for everything since you were way too little to have those responsibilities. It gave you two a bond beyond what most people will ever have. Would other people say it’s weird? Most likely. Would a therapist tell you it’s unhealthy? Maybe. But fuck all them. They’re not you. They didn’t experience what y’all did. And they have no right to tell you how you deal with that shit. Like I already said, you ain’t hurtin’ no one. It’s consensual. No one will ever love and take care of you the way Riley will, and the same goes the other way. Besides, if either of you tried to find someone else, pretty sure the other one would end up with a murder charge. You’re both fuckin’ possessive.”
I scowled but secretly felt relieved. I didn’t give a fuck what anyone else though besides Jay anyway.
The bell attached to the front door chimed and I nearly jumped out of my fuckin’ skin. I tried to hide it, but the way Jay was eyeing me said I was shit at it. It wasn’t Mr. Chase though. It was the nurse from the hospital, Dakota.
He saw me first and his eyes narrowed in annoyance. Then he saw Jay and he completely lit up.
“I guess you didn’t tell him why we weren’t at the hospital,” I whispered as he walked up. It was the only reason I could see why he seemed constantly pissed at me.
“Nah. It’s not really my place to share that with other people, man. I told him you couldn’t help it, but yeah.”
Dakota’s smile was huge and all for Jay as he walked up to him. Jay looked a little more apprehensive, eyes flashing between Dakota and me, but when I gave him a little nod, to let him know I was good, Jay’s whole fuckin’ demeaner changed. He jumped off the stool and shocked the shit outta me by hugging the guy.
“Hi, darling, how are you doing?” Dakota asked. He wasn’t talking loudly, but I shamelessly leaned against the bar and to listen in, so I heard him. Darling? What the fuck did I miss that they were already so close he was using pet names with him.
Jay flushed. “I’m good. Thanks for comin’ here. I know it’s a bit of a dive.” Both of their eyes flashed to me. I gave a little wave, as my best friend to glare at me.
“I don’t mind a good dive bar. Thanks for inviting me.”
He took Jay’s hand and squeezed it in a way that seemed way too close for people who barely knew each other, but who the fuck was I to judge?
They both sat down, and there was a solid two minutes of awkward silence. I tried to busy myself at the bar, but I could feel Dakota’s eyes boring into me. Poor Jay just seemed uncomfortable. He looked back and forth at each of us and was fidgeting’ so fuckin’ much, I was afraid he’d knock over the stool. I sighed. I was gonna have to be the bigger man, wasn’t I? I hated that.
I walked over and leaned against the bar, grabbing the sides, mainly so I had something to do with my hands.