Page 49 of No Going Back
Manuel passed Ginny some plates to bring to Nico and Joe. Best to keep the diner looking like a diner, not a trap.
Troy spoke. “Marcus hasn’t been able to look at faces yet, but they’re heading our way and should be here in about twenty seconds. Branna, why don’t you pretend to clean the counter in front of Sean and Sam?”
Branna grabbed a cloth and moved close to him as they counted down the seconds in their heads. Manuel called Ginny’s name and passed her another plate. “For Troy.”
Sam spoke beside him. “So, what do you think of the town so far?”
Sean nearly jerked at the absurdity of the question but immediately realized Sam was trying to make the atmosphere natural, so Hawley didn’t realize it was a trap the moment he walked in. He heard the others start inane conversations, but wasn’t sure he was up to chatter. Not with Branna’s life hanging in the balance.
The chime above the door sounded, and he heard Branna’s soft intake of breath. Sam talked about the town and the improvements they wanted to make to draw in more people. Sean put his hand on his weapon, knowing every other man in the room was doing the same.
Two large men walked into the diner, scowling and looking past the seated men. Neither was Prince Hawley, although one shared enough characteristics that Sean wondered if he was a brother or cousin.
Manuel called out. “Hey, Branna. I could use your help for a minute.” Good man. Get her out of the line of fire without it looking like a setup.
Ginny called over her shoulder to the newcomers as she moved around the counter, out of the line of fire. “Welcome to the No Fail Diner. Have a seat wherever you like. Can I get you some coffee?”
The two men ignored Ginny’s question and kept their eyes on the pass-through window to the kitchen, obviously looking to see where Branna had gone.
The one who looked like Hawley had his hands in his pockets, and Sean wondered if he was the assigned hitman. The other man bounced on his feet, eyes skittering around the room but not resting anywhere.
To keep himself from rushing the scene, Sean forced himself to lift his coffee mug. They were probably not here on a hit, likely just getting the layout of the diner and exits. Sipping at the coffee also gave him a reason to look right at the two herd members. He hoped the mug also hid the fury he was sure showed on his face.
Where was Hawley? Was he still in the car or had he gone around the back to find another way in? The door was locked and bolted, but Sean needed to see Branna.
Ginny stopped beside him, inadvertently blocking his entry to the kitchen. She repeated her question. “Would you guys like some coffee?”
The taller man ignored her and moved to the right, trying to get a better view through the pass-through. The other flicked a glance at Ginny that barely landed and then away to look around the room. He didn’t look directly at any of the men, but at the furnishings of the room. Definitely not the one in charge.
Behind the two men, the door chimed again and Graham walked in. He lifted his hand to wave at the room. “Hey guys. Hi Ginny. Can I get a couple of taco platters to go?” Then he sat in the booth by the door, his hand loose by his side as he used the other to play with his phone.
The men at the counter moved again, trying for a better view of the back. If they were checking out the place, they’d be smarter to sit and order something. The fact that they didn’t made him wonder if Hawley was planning an attack sooner rather than later.
Ginny moved, and Sean stood and turned toward the kitchen as the calmer guy tilted his head at the door, telling his buddy to head outside. Out back. Was Hawley already there?
Graham’s phone rang, and he called out. “Hey Ginny, I’m going to take this outside. Be back in a few minutes.”
Marcus hadn’t shown up inside, so he and Graham would be out back or watching Hawley. And the others that Troy had mentioned.
Sean’s skin started to itch. This wasn’t going the way he’d hoped. He’d wanted Hawley in the diner. He’d wanted to look him in the eye to see what he had planned.
Sean’s hand pushed at the kitchen door at the same moment he heard breaking glass, followed by a gunshot.
Then Branna screamed.
* * *
Branna stood near the door inside the office where Manuel had urged her to hide. He’d closed the door and told her he’d stand guard on the other side. The room didn’t have a lock, but Prince wouldn’t be able to see her from the diner or the kitchen. This office didn’t have an exterior door, and the window at the back of the tiny room was covered by a curtain, but she’d huddled near the door to avoid anyone being able to see through it. The light was off, but she didn’t want to take chances.
What was happening out there? She hadn’t heard any shouting or fighting or shots. Maybe it hadn’t been Prince, just some random people in town. Or someone with a new vehicle.
Or it could be a scouting mission. She turned sideways to keep an eye on everything around her.
Sean and the others believed that the smart move from Prince’s point of view was to wait until Branna was leaving the diner alone. It didn’t make sense to storm into a crowded room and try to kill or kidnap her.
But Hawley wasn’t a man who ran on logic. A logical man wouldn’t have burned down a building when he was trying to extort the owner for protection money. If he’d been logical, he would have tried to charm her out of the protection money rather than threatening to rape and kill her after admitting to murdering her father.
She didn’t like being in this tiny room on her own. It made her feel more vulnerable. She’d be more settled if she was with Sean and the others. The urge to return to the kitchen was strong, but was that going-to-the-basement-alone horror movie stupidity?