Page 50 of No Going Back
Her hand went to the doorknob four times before she finally stuffed her hands beneath her arms to stop herself.
The sound of glass breaking had her whirling around even as a body flew through the window towards her. Deafening bangs sounded at the same time. Gunshots?
A force shoved her back into the wall with such power she nearly blacked out. The echoes rang in her ear as she struggled to draw breath.
Branna realized she’d fallen, and tried to shove to her feet. No way was she confronting Hawley from the ground.
Rough hands grabbed her, and she was thrown over a man’s back. Dizziness assaulted her, but she fought back. Her head smacked against a wall, and she realized he was trying to shove her out the window.
If he got her outside, her chances of survival went dramatically downhill. Even with her head spinning and body not cooperating, she knew she couldn’t go out that window.
The man had her legs pinned from where he’d tossed her over his shoulder. She couldn’t see the window, but she threw her arms wide, trying to make herself as big as possible, and she screamed with all her might.
Another bang sounded and was followed by a roar.
The man holding her whipped around, and her head smashed against the window frame, causing the dizziness to worsen.
The man swung her again, and her feet hit the ground. Then something cold and round pressed against her temple and he yanked her tightly into his body.
“Move a single fucking muscle and she’s dead.”
The ringing in her ears couldn’t disguise the voice. Prince. Even though she’d figured it was him, his voice had Branna’s knees wobbling.
He had his hands on her. He had a gun barrel pressed into her head.
She trusted Sean with everything. He was a warrior and one of the most impressive men she’d ever met. But he couldn’t move more quickly than a bullet. No matter what plan he had, the bullet was faster.
Branna gulped in huge breaths, trying to settle her breathing and her brain. She needed to be at full capacity if she wanted to live. And she did. She really, really did.
She hadn’t told Sean she loved him. He didn’t know she was spinning fantasies of forever around him and this amazing little town.
“You’re done, Hawley. Time to give yourself up.” Sean’s voice was calm and steady, giving Branna strength. If he wasn’t panicking, there was hope. She would believe in that hope. Believe in Sean’s ability to get her out of this despite the gun barrel bruising her temple.
Prince’s laugh dripped with malice and made her shudder. “Not happening, asshole. Unless you want to watch her die, you’re going to let us walk out of here.”
“Let her go, and you don’t need to die today.”
Prince squeezed her closer to his body, and she realized he was using her as a shield. “Nice try, asshole, but I’m not the one with the gun pointed at my head.”
Sean merely cocked an eyebrow. Did that mean that someone out back had a gun pointed at Prince? They probably couldn’t shoot with her in the way, but if she could get loose even for a moment, they’d have a chance to get him. If his hold loosened, she could drop to the floor.
Her heart hammered in her chest, and panic wanted to claw up her throat into a scream, but she swallowed hard and kept herself still. The last thing she needed was to provoke a reaction from Prince while his finger was on the trigger.
“Put the weapon down, Hawley.”
“Not a chance, asshole.”
Sean hadn’t looked at her directly. His entire focus was on Prince and keeping her alive. She wished telepathy was a thing, so he could transmit to her what she needed to do. How she could help.
Instead, she stood like a statue with jelly for bones.
Sean sounded almost bored when he spoke, but his eyes were flat. Controlled, not bored. “What do you think is going to happen here, Hawley?”
“I’m going to walk out and take the bitch with me. If you get in my way, I’m going to blow her brains out right here.”
Bile threatened because she knew he would do it.