Page 102 of Crazy for You
“And staying in Haven,” Gabby added.
They all clinked glasses. Seated around a bar-height glass table with her were Jessica, Gabby, Carly, and Mandy. The best friends a girl could hope for.
“It still hasn’t sunk in that I’m not leaving,” she said. “It’s been such a rock in the pit of my stomach for the last few weeks, dreading the move but knowing I needed to stick with the plan I’d set in motion.”
“Seriously, though, I can’t believe you’re taking over Artful Blooms. That’s such an amazing opportunity,” Carly said.
Mandy raised her eyebrows, and Emma winked at her. After she’d left Mary at the bakery, Emma had called Angela Davenport to accept the Silver Springs Lodge project, then driven straight to Mandy’s apartment. They’d spent the rest of the afternoon putting together a business plan.
“About that,” Emma said. “Artful Blooms is actually going to be a joint partnership. Mandy and I are going in fifty-fifty.”
“What?” Gabby’s smile grew impossibly wide. “That’s so awesome!”
“Yep.” Mandy nodded enthusiastically. “It’s a dream come true for both of us.”
“We make a great team, and I’m going to work toward my business degree online in the evenings,” Emma said. “With the clients the two of us already have, the Artful Blooms name behind us, and the upcoming project at the lodge, we should be in good shape.”
“I’ve heard a lot of buzz about the Silver Springs Lodge,” Jessica said. “It should be a great way to get your names out.”
“Have you told Ryan?” Gabby asked, sipping from her lemontini.
Emma gave her a look. “Are you kidding? I haven’t seen him since he dumped me, and I don’t expect to…not for a while anyway.”
“I still can’t believe he did that.” Carly scowled. “The big jerk. Because you offered his brother some advice?”
“I don’t think that’s why he did it,” Gabby said with a shake of her head. “Not the only reason anyway.”
“I’d love to think you’re right, but…” Emma broke off with a shrug.
“The man’s thirty years old, and he’s never had a real relationship with a woman,” Gabby said. “You guys were in over your heads almost before you started sleeping together. I think there’s a decent chance he panicked and bailed before you left town.”
“Well—” Tears pooled in Emma’s eyes, and she took a furious sip of her martini. “It doesn’t really matter because he was such an ass about it. I don’t know if I could forgive him even if he asked me to, which I have no reason to believe he will. So…”
She finished her martini, and Mandy signaled to the bartender to order her another.
“I’ll try my best not to make things awkward for our group.” Emma stared into her empty glass. “It’s inevitable we’ll be around each other since we share the same circle of friends. Eventually I’ll be ready for it, but I’m not there yet.”
“Perfectly understandable,” Jessica said.
“Does he know you’re in love with him?” Carly asked quietly.
Thankfully, the waitress placed another cotton candy martini in front of Emma at that moment. She took a fortifying gulp before she answered. “I think he might.”
“Maybe I’m just an optimist after the way things worked out for Ethan and me,” Gabby said, “but I think Ryan has real feelings for you, too. He just has no idea what to do about it.”
Tears threatened again. Emma waved a hand in front of her face. “Enough about Ryan. What else is new?”
“I heard the guys might be adding a mud obstacle to this year’s Adrenaline Rush,” Gabby said.
“Bring it,” Mandy said, lifting her glass.
“I could do without mud,” Gabby said. “But count me in, and this year, I’m crossing the finish line.” Last year, Gabby had fallen from the climbing wall and sprained her ankle, ending her race early.
“You joining us on Team Flower Power this year, Jess?” Emma asked.
Jessica, who’d been rather quiet so far tonight, swirled her glass thoughtfully. “I’ll think about it.”
“You sound like I did last year,” Gabby said with a conspiratorial smile.