Page 103 of Crazy for You
“It’s really a lot of fun,” Mandy said. “Team Flower Power seriously kicks ass.”
“It’s true,” Carly said with a nod.
Jessica shrugged, taking a sip of her martini. “Sure, why not?”
“If I can do it, you can,” Gabby said. “I actually made them change the date this year so that the Adrenaline Rush comes after our wedding. Otherwise, I was afraid I’d be getting married on crutches or, at the very least, all covered in scrapes and bruises.”
“Smart thinking,” Mandy said with a laugh.
By the time Gabby drove her home that night, Emma was completely sloshed and feeling much better about life in general. She staggered through her front door, poured herself a tall glass of water, then went into her bedroom to change into pajamas. She climbed into bed and turned on Gilmore Girls to keep her company until she dozed off.
A motorcycle roared up the road outside, and she walked to her bedroom window out of habit. The bike kept going, continuing up the road and out of sight. Of course it wasn’t Ryan. He wasn’t coming, not anymore.
Ryan had been riding the empty, winding roads outside Haven for hours, trying desperately to calm the chaos tumbling around in his brain. After Trent left, he’d called the Lamars to let them know what had happened, and Kate had promised to stay in touch when she heard from him. At least Ryan was finally on speaking terms with them. That had to count for something. Ryan gunned the engine and let the beast beneath him roar. As he rode by Emma’s apartment for the third time, he realized he had a problem.
The fourth time? He had identified the problem. It was Emma, but she wasn’t a problem. She was the solution to his problem, and he’d been too stupid to see it. He hadn’t been with another woman, hadn’t even looked at another woman in almost a year. Emma had been in his head almost since he returned to Haven, long before he slept with her. He kept pushing her away because of the promise he’d made Derek, but he’d also promised to look out for her, and what better way to look out for her than to be with her?
Before he realized where he was headed, he found himself parking the bike in front of the town commons. The flowers Emma had planted rippled in the breeze, their vivid red color muted to a steely gray under the cover of night. He walked to the memorial and stood there, squinting to pick out Derek’s name on the darkened stone surface, illuminated only by the faint glow of a nearby streetlight.
“Wish I could have this conversation with you in person,” Ryan said. More than anything, he wished he could get his buddy’s blessing on what he was about to do. “But I need to believe that you’d be okay with this because I promise you I’m going to do anything and everything I can to make Emma happy if she’ll give me another chance.”
He stood there with his hands shoved into his pockets, staring at Derek’s name on the memorial. The memorial that Emma had designed. She’d brought so much color, so much life, to this formerly barren part of the commons.
So much color to his life.
Ryan had no fucking clue how to make a relationship work, let alone a relationship with a woman as incredible, as sweet and funny and vibrant and beautiful, as Emma. She was leaving town in a few days, but it didn’t matter. If she was willing to give him a second chance, they’d find a way to make this work. Hell, he loved riding his bike. He’d ride to Georgia once a week if he had to, just to see her.
He stepped closer to the memorial, touched his fingertips to Derek’s name, and took a silent oath to make his buddy proud, to take care of Emma the very best way he knew how. Then he strode back to his bike and pointed it toward her house.
This time, when he rode by her place, he pulled into the driveway and parked. He checked the time on his phone and cringed. It was one thirty in the morning. On a Monday night. As usual, his timing was all wrong.
So he just sat there staring at her front door, wondering what she was doing. Sleeping, no doubt. In the buff? In some kind of sexy nightie?
In answer to his question, the front door opened, and she appeared in the doorway, squinting out at him. She wore short pink sleep shorts and a matching tank top, her hair wild and messy around her face as if she’d just rolled out of bed.
He’d woken her in the middle of the night. He was such an asshole. He ought to leave now. Instead, he took off his helmet and swung off the bike.
“Ryan?” She blinked at him as if not entirely sure she wasn’t dreaming.
“Yeah. Sorry. I didn’t realize how late it was.”
She scrunched her nose, looking adorably confused. “What are you doing here?”
“I’ve been riding. Thinking.” And hell, there was no going back now. “Can I come in?”
She pulled herself up taller, crossing her arms over her chest, a wary look in her eyes. “No.”
He dragged a hand through his hair. “Fair enough. I have a few things to say if you’re willing to listen.”
“I don’t know, Ryan.” She stared at him, her blue eyes full of hurt and distrust. “I think…I think I’m still too angry.” Her voice caught, and he felt like someone had just stomped on his chest.
He’d done this to her. Goddammit. “I came to apologize.”
“It better be a good one.” She planted her hands on her hips.
“Christ, Emma.” He fumbled his helmet, and it hit the pavement with a crash. He was absolutely terrified he was going to fuck this up and lose her forever. Maybe he already had. “I’m going for the biggest apology of my life here, up to and including begging. Groveling. Whatever you ask, I’ll do it.”