Page 77 of Idaho
"That's Mom's quote," Dani replied with a laugh. Dani cocked her head, looking at her sister. "What's going on?"
"What do you mean?" Keely squeaked.
Even my brows shot up, but now the rest of the women were studying her as though they were a group of felines, and she was a little mouse. She was acting out of character.
"What happened," Kit demanded.
Keely sighed. "You're my friends...right?" Everyone nodded, so she continued, "And that means you can't make fun of me."
"Well..." Jordan said. "It actually means we're honor bound to make fun of you. I think?"
Gwen nodded. "That's what it means."
"But we'll do it with the very best intentions, and you'll know you're in a safe place and loved," Sloane added, in a soft tone as her baby squirmed in her arms.
Keely huffed. "Not sure I want to tell you then," she replied with a pout.
"Now you have to," Kit told her.
"Fine. Lock was...over the top pissed off."
"Sounds about right," Daisha said.
"He's crazy when he's mad," Tori explained to me, though I'd gotten to see a bit of it.
"" Her words were so low and said while Tori was speaking, but everyone froze, staring at her with mixed emotions. Almost every jaw in the room was dropped open in shock.
"Wait," Seek said, a smile creeping over her face. "You're going to need to say that again. And louder. And then say it a third time."
"He called me a child. A brat. Then he pinned me to his motorcycle and spanked my ass. Twice!" She glared at all of us as some of the others began to giggle. They were doing their best to stifle the laughter, but it wasn't working. Dani wasn't even trying; she just broke out laughing.
"It's not funny!" Keely declared, crossing her arms over her chest.
I thought back to last night. One of the times we were making love, Idaho had smacked my butt. It was shocking, but the feeling had somehow amplified the pleasure. A thought formed in my mind. "But did you like it?"
Silence, then, "Eva!" Gwen had gasped my name on a laugh. She then turned to Keely. "Did you?"
My head snapped up and my eyes widened in horror as I realized I'd said that out loud. I looked over at Keely and cringed. "I'm so sorry," I gasped. "I-"
She held up a finger, a rational expression settling on her features, chasing away the embarrassment. "Now wait," she ordered. "That's a reasonable question."
My lips twitched at her logical response.
"One I'd really like to hear the answer to," Seek added with a knowing grin.
Keely sighed. "Yes, okay? Yes! It was...different." Her cheeks were flaming red. "And I don't think I minded it as much as I should have."
"Well, there you go," Dani said, smirking at her sister.
Jordan grinned over at Gwen. "I told you."
Keely glared at them both. "Told her what?"
"That you and Lockout had chemistry," Jordan answered.
Gwen nodded in agreement. "It's true."
Keely huffed and looked away. She was clearly uncomfortable talking about this. "He's frustrating!"