Page 78 of Idaho
"Maybe he's frustrated because you're frustrating," Sloane suggested, gently adjusting her baby in her arms.
Keely frowned at her, but she didn't argue the point. "I'm going to go change," she muttered.
"You should probably get a shower," Kit told her with an evil grin. "You clean up."
The women laughed as Keely flipped us all off and stormed out of the apartment.
I laughed along with them, shaking my head. They really were so much like my sisters and me when we were together. They were family. And though they were laughing at Keely and giving her a hard time, they loved her, and would gang up on anyone outside their circle who tried to do the same.
Someone cleared their throat, and I looked up to find everyone staring at me. My eyes widened as I glanced around at them. The mood was a little more somber now, though I didn't know why.
"We've been waiting patiently," Seek told me.
"F-for what?" I asked.
"For you to tell us that you slept with Idaho," Jordan blurted out.
Gwen smacked her arm, giving her a look of disbelief.
"Sorry," Jordan muttered.
"Oh," I said softly, then frowned. "How does everyone know that?" I demanded.
"Everyone?" Kit asked.
Feeling the heat creeping up my neck, I admitted, "Earlier, the guys said they'd bet on it and were trying to figure out who won."
"Tell me they didn't," Dani groaned.
"I was...mortified."
"I'm sure you were, Sweetie," Seek said. "And trust me, we're going to have a talk with our men."
"That wasn't okay," Gwen said. "You're new to our group and don't know how the dynamics work yet."
"And I assume you're a virgin," Jordan added. She thought about that, then continued, "Well, not anymore."
Gwen smacked her again with the back of her hand.
"Sorry!" Jordan gave me a puppy dog look with a hopeful smile.
How could I be mad at these women? "I don't understand how everyone knows."
"Besides the fact that you're glowing?" Susie asked.
I touched my cheeks, feeling the heat in them.
"Ignore her," Kit told me. "She's a romantic at heart."
"It's true," Susie admitted. "I am."
"It has more to do with Idaho than you," Jenny told me. "He's been obvious about his interest in you since he got here."
My brows drew together as I thought about it. "I mean, he kissed me a few times." More than one of the women were biting their lips to hold in excitement. It almost made me smile. "But almost every time afterward he was such a jerk, I figured he regretted it."
"Oh no," Dani said. "That's not regret. That's him trying to fight his feelings for you."
"Why would he do that?" I asked.