Page 79 of Idaho
"Because he's a guy," Kit said, rolling her eyes. "I swear they all do it. The only feelings they are comfortable with are anger, hunger, and horniness. Anything else confuses them."
"Especially these guys," Seek said with a shake of her head. "They're so stubborn and set in their ways."
"And if they think they're not good enough for us..." Gwen trailed off, frowning. I studied her face, wondering why she suddenly looked so sad. As far as I knew, she was single, but her words made me wonder if there was someone she was interested in.
"Then they push us away," Jordan finished for her.
"Ricochet didn't do that," Gwen pointed out, the sadness disappearing from her face as she realized I was watching her.
"Yeah, yeah, your brother's a saint," Jordan said with a grin. "Just not in bed. There he's-"
"No!" Gwen slapped her hands over Jordan's mouth.
Laughter echoed around the room again.
"Sloane," Jenny said softly. "Why don't you go lay down for a nap?"
The other woman's eyes were drifting closed as she sat there listening to us. "I don't want to miss this," she said with a yawn, as she pried her eyes open.
"There's not much to miss," I told her.
Seek snorted in amusement. "I doubt that." She looked over at Sloane. "You can sleep in my room if you don't want to go down the hall."
"You're sure?" Sloane asked me. "I'm so tired."
"I'm sure," Seek assured her. "Go rest."
She smiled gratefully, then got up and went into the bedroom, closing the door behind her.
Then every eye zeroed back in on me and I froze. "Um..."
"One thing you need to know about these men," Kit told me, "is that they fight settling down with everything they have."
"Most of them," Dani corrected. "But not all."
"It's obvious that Idaho fits in the fighting his feelings category," Seek told her. "Just like his brother. Who knew they'd be so much alike?"
"They're twins," Gwen said with a laugh. "All us twins are a lot alike."
"That's true," Seek agreed.
"So, what do I do?" I asked.
"You tell him how you feel," Jenny said with a smile.
I nibbled my lip, wringing my hands together in my lap. "And if he doesn't really have...feelings for me?" I asked. They all shot each other amused looks. "The...the only reason I slept with him is because I'm leaving," I admitted.
"What?" They all chorused in loud voices.
"Shhhh," Dani said afterward, casting a look toward Seek's room where Sloane was resting.
"Sorry," Jordan said, then shot me a hard look. "What do you mean you're leaving?"
Sighing, I explained about the phone call with my father. They didn't speak for a few seconds after I stopped talking, absorbing what I told them.
"And you think he'll make you go home?" Gwen finally asked.
I nodded, misery settling in me once again.