Page 103 of The Lucky One
“It’s their business, guys. Leave them alone.” Danielle glared at her and Leni. Jon still didn’t look at anything other than the flickering flames.
“So, you two.” Leni took a long drag of the joint, seemingly oblivious to what Danielle had just said. “How long has this been going on anyway? Was it already happening when German was dating Paul?”
I coughed. I should’ve anticipated that question.
Thankfully, Breana answered for me. “I can’t believe you’ve got the nerve to bring that up,” she snapped at Leni.
“Ooooh,” went Aiden, and I shot him a dirty look. “What?” he said. “I’m tired of everyone in this group being pissed with each other. It’s about time everyone figured out their shit. This is our last year, but you guys have been all caught up in your stupid drama. Get over it or we’ll all go our separate ways after high school.”
The silence that followed was evidence that his words had hit home. I peeked over at Jon again. You would’ve thought he had turned to stone if it weren’t for his chest rising and falling.
Leni was the first to speak again. “I didn’t even know we were official, Bre.”
Breana’s palms clenched into fists, and I could see the fiery determination in her eyes. “We’ve been seeing each other for weeks! I let you do things to my body no one else ever—”
“Okay!” Danielle said, cutting Breana off. “Why don’t you two go inside and discuss this privately?”
“I’m ready to talk whenever Breana is,” Leni said, passing the blunt to Aiden. But Breana looked anything other than happy about his offer.
“Aiden’s right,” said Brandon. “Let’s get our shit together and be like we used to be!” He pointed at the offenders. “Breana and Leni, go talk,” he ordered, and Leni got out of his chair.
“I’m not talking to him alone.” Breana crossed her arms with a pout.
“I’ll play mediator.” Danielle grabbed Breana’s arm and mumbled something I didn’t grasp as she dragged her inside.
“Wish me luck, guys,” Leni said before following them.
“Luck.” Aiden made a smoke ring with his mouth.
Jamie giggled, amused. “I can’t even put into words how much I’ve missed this,” she said, reaching for the blunt and inhaling before letting the smoke out through her nostrils.
“Me too.” Brandon smiled. “We all kind of went our own ways the last few months, but look at us now. We always come around again.”
“Cheers to that.” Hannah raised her bottle. I grabbed my cup of water and joined everyone saluting above the bonfire, but Jon didn’t move in his chair.
Then I noticed shadows walking up the stairs. Paul had his arm wrapped around Kiki’s shoulders. He gave me a soft smile.
Jon suddenly stood up. “I’m going,” he said to me. “Do you want to stay or come with me?” He could barely look at me.
Something was wrong. And I doubted it was only because of the weed and beer.
“I’m coming with you.”
“Boo, you just showed up, Jon,” Aiden said, but he was already going out through the gate.
“Thank you for the invite, Hannah,” I quickly said before rushing after him. “Jon, wait!” I called, but he didn’t turn around. We got in his BMW, and for the first few minutes of the drive, all he did was clench his jaw and stare at the street as if it were a complicated video game.
“Is everything okay?” I asked, hoping against hope that we were headed to the surprise he’d mentioned planning yesterday. I knew he wasn’t driving me to any surprise when we passed his house and entered my neighborhood.
“It’s all too much,” he finally said.
“What exactly?” The drinking and smoking? Kiki and Paul? The idea of getting married?
“I don’t want to talk about it right now.”
“I’ve been trying to reach you for over a day, and now you’re acting so standoffish. We’re in a relationship, Jon. I deserve to know why you ghosted me.” I tugged at his arm but he didn’t react. “Please, Jon. You said we had no secrets from each other.”
“Don’t push it,” he growled.