Page 102 of The Lucky One
“I know. Let’s take it slow,” I suggested. “We both got out of some messed-up relationships...”
I wouldn’t let Paul break me. If there were any signs he wasn’t treating me how I deserved, it would be over.
“I think that’s a good idea.” He gave me an intense look. “But please know, I would never do to you what Jon did. I’m not him.”
“Oh, I know,” I said, grinning, and threw my arms around his neck to kiss him again. Paul Shields was the opposite of Jon.
Though one question still haunted me. If Jon and Emily broke up and Emily wanted Paul back... would he choose her over me?
Not a Goodbye
I craned my neck, trying to catch a glimpse of Paul and Kiki disappearing down the steps to the lake. Jon gave my hand a reassuring squeeze and I reciprocated with a subtle squeeze of my own. But something felt off. I had never gotten a text from him after my appointment yesterday, despite charging my phone (with Paul’s charger after all). I had messaged him about my intense conversation with Paul—still no response. I tried to call but he didn’t pick up. Then came Hannah’s bonfire invite, and I decided not to wait for Jon and accepted Paul’s offer for a ride. When Jon finally showed up at Hannah’s, I asked him what was going on, but he only said, “Can we talk later?” The air was filled with laughter and excitement, but my mind stayed stuck on the mystery of Jon going AWOL.
He squeezed my hand again, his gaze fixed on the joint Aiden had lit.
“Do you want to leave?” I whispered, making sure only he could hear. He shook his head no, but his lips were tightly pressed together.
“I’m still bummed that we didn’t go on spring break together,” Aiden said to the group, downing the rest of his beer in one swig.
“We would’ve totally tagged along if someone other than us had planned it,” Brandon said, earning an approving nod from Hannah.
“Exactly,” she said. “We always organize everything. It’s about time the rest of you slackers started contributing.”
Aiden and Leni both rolled their eyes.
“We should plan something together for the summer,” Danielle suggested.
“But it has to be something huge,” Breana said. “I’m tired of staying in the States. And not all of us will still be in high school.”
When I had first showed up at the bonfire, Breana had greeted me with a little twitch of the mouth—which was better than full-out antagonism, but we still hadn’t talked about the episode with Jackson in the school hallway. My brain flirted with the idea of having a smoke to give me enough confidence to approach her about it, but Jon’s hand clasped around mine was the anchor that kept me from succumbing to those thoughts.
“You guys should come visit my family in Spain,” Aiden proposed.
“Isn’t Germany right next to Spain?” Hannah said. “We could go on a road trip and visit Emily too!”
Jon growled with frustration. “It’s not a little drive away, Hannah. France is in between.”
“Oh.” The corners of her mouth drooped. “Then Emily can come to Spain to visit us!”
“Yeah, that would be nice,” I managed to say. It was cute how they wanted to see me again, but it was like a punch to the gut, realizing that in exactly one month and twenty-two days, overseas travel plans were the only way we could hang out again.
Hannah seemed to pick up on my discomfort. Her freckles dipped into a slight frown on her forehead. “Can’t you just keep living in Boonville with us?”
My eyes shifted to Jon. There was one way—a path that Paul had already imagined traveling.
“Her and Jon could get married!” Leni laughed, causing my anxiety to skyrocket. “Wouldn’t you get a permanent visa that way, German?”
“Yeah,” I mumbled. Jon just stared into the fire.
“Get married?” Jamie interjected, offering her unsolicited opinion. “They’re way too young. And no offense, but Jon isn’t marriage material.”
“Fuck off, Jamie,” Jon growled, pulling his hand out of mine.
“I’m just saying. It’s a huge step, and you two haven’t been together for that long.”
I sank lower into my chair. Jamie just had to go and voice all my fears in front of everyone.