Page 20 of Under His Wings
My special outfit was ready.
Chapter 12
I heard a human refer to my walk when I was very focused on my prey as a ‘murder strut’. Apparently it was as intimidating as it was hot. I couldn’t help doing it now, the heels of my polished boots clicking against the floor as I prowled forward, towards the angel who just opened the door to his flat to find me inside.
Zach’s eyes widened as he took me in. He traced the crisp lines of the white suit with his gaze, committing the glints of silver and pale blue accents into his memory. It was as far a cry from my usual black-and-red attire as possible. In fact, my clothes matched what the angel usually wore. Zachariel’s tailor was good but mine was even better; not everyone could have an Ascended demon fashionado in their pocket as I did. As such, I preened shamelessly as my lover stepped towards me, hunger in his gaze. I felt how much he wanted to ruin the pure whiteness of my ensemble. I blinked innocently at him, assuming the demeanor of a poor, naïve, little lamb.
“Do you like it?” I asked demurely, my hands fumbling nervously with a silver cuff in the shape of wings.
“Hellion, you are a vision. Have you been sent from Hell to tempt me? If so, it’s working. I’m very much tempted to take you over my knee and spank you until you cry.”
“You can’t be so rough with me.” I let my lower lip tremble. “I couldn’t take it... I have never....”
I let Zach’s imagination fill in the line for this scenario and when I saw his eyes flare with unbridled lust and the desire to mar me, spoil me, take the pretend innocence away, I knew I had him.
Hook. Line. Sinker.
“Don’t worry, precious, I will be gentle with you.”
He forgot to mention that gentleness could be crueler than the harshest punishment when wielded with such deep intent.
After opening the layers of my clothes just enough to give access but still give an opportunity to admire the enchantingly innocent ensemble, Zachariel touched me languidly, as if I was going to break, for hours. When I whimpered, unable to take it anymore, and reached for my cock, Zach grasped my hands. He kissed my palms like a knight professing his devotion to a princess, and tied them together so that I could do nothing but take it. I could squirm all I wanted but the gentle touches continued, driving me mad.
“Uh... nnn...” I bit my lip as he circled my nipples again. A bare caress of the tips of his fingers, a kiss of his tongue against the pebbled surface... one, then another, again, and again.
At first I thought he wanted to see what I had shown him before; that my body could come without my cock being touched. And, even if this was a magnitude harder without my body being deeply fucked by his cock, I thought I could do it. I could fall into bliss just from this. But when I was on the brink of doing just that Zachariel curled his fingers at the base of my cock and stopped my orgasm in its tracks.
I panted, poised on the edge, before the wave of heat receded and I collapsed onto the bed, shaking.
“Please...” The word flew from my mouth more easily than normal. I was a pure, innocent lamb after all. Of course, this virgin fantasy would beg without even knowing what they were begging for. “I want...” I gasped out, pulling my tied hands down to cover my face shyly, hiding the blush streaking my cheeks red.
“What do you want, baby? I will give you anything you want. You just have to ask for it.”
“I want to feel good. Please, make me feel good,” I begged.
“But doesn’t this feel good?” my bastard of a lover asked, trailing his hands over my heaving sides. “It does. I can see it in how you writhe under me. How you push into my touch.”
“No... ah... yes... Give me more. I want more.”
“Like this?” Zachariel asked and cupped my balls.
I jerked off the bed so hard I nearly levitated. The firm caress was enough to get my head spinning and a few minutes later I was rearing to go once more. Just a little... just a little more...
I sobbed as Zachariel’s fingers closed around the base of my cock once more. My knees drew up so that I could kick him with my feet in a silent protest.
“Hush, baby. I’m doing it for you. Just wait a while longer and you will see how good it feels when you don’t take the easy way out. How it all adds up in the end. I will make sure you will feel each one of your ruined orgasms. You will never forget this, I promise you.”
The promise sounded more like a threat and I let my head fall back in defeat. I just had to survive until the angel fulfilled his dastardly plan.
“There we go,” Zachariel cooed, pleased with my submission.
This time he granted me a hand on my cock. It was the sweetest torture. After hours of him playing with me I was so sensitive I had to toss my head back and forth on the pillow as he slid his fingers over my glans and dipped a nail into my slit. When he brought me to the highest point of the pleasure I knew I was entirely at his mercy. Was he going to grant me freedom this time?
“Zachariel.... Please... Zach... ah. Ah! Please!” I begged with a wrecked voice.
“Come,” he said and I was gone.
I threw my head back with a soundless gasp, my voice stuttering after the initial cry of release. I was half aware of the tears leaking down my face as a tsunami of bliss completely ruined me, changing the landscape of my pleasure forever.