Page 4 of Clan and Crave
It was an aroused Nobek response, the urge tofight then fuck. Conyod knew he didn’t have a chance against thebattle-trained soldier. “Maybe when you’re asleep and I have a hugestick to whack you with.”
Sletran laughed, humor taking the edge ofbestial need from his features. “Ah hell, Conyod. I’m glad I wentagainst what I thought was my better judgment and agreed to meetyou today. Seriously though, am I taking advantage? Do you finallysee me as just a guy who helped a kid one day instead of someridiculous hero you built too big in your mind?”
“You are my hero. I particularly like theridiculous side of you.” Conyod snickered. “Heroes don’t usuallyadmit to such flaws, so it makes you even better.”
Sletran’s eyes narrowed. Protest was writtenon his strong face. “You need to quit the hero worship.”
“Okay. I promise to worship only your bodyfor the next hour. I’d be able to do so properly if you’dstrip…hint, hint, hint.”
Sletran cracked up again. “You’ve becomefunny in the last few years. Definitely not angsty. Hell, who am Ikidding? You’re gorgeous, you’re a grown-ass man, and I’m going tofuck you. Why put off today what I can regret tomorrow?”
Conyod’s gut tightened. “I hope you won’tregret this.”
“I doubt I will, but you might, having put meon such a high pedestal.”
Before Conyod could respond, Sletran grabbedhis primary and stroked. At the same instant, he kissed him withfierce demand. Conyod writhed in response, his hips rising andfalling in rhythm to the experienced movements of his companion’shand.
He’d enjoyed a few lovers. An unclannedImdiko his age had no shortage of Dramoks and Nobeks eager to provethemselves in bed. None of them compared to Sletran, though he’ddone so little thus far.
He was Sletran, and he was more thanenough.
When the Nobek had aroused Conyod to thepoint he was struggling to escape the warrior’s grip…he wasdesperate to tear his clothes off to see and touch what he’ddreamed of for years…Sletran released his larger cock. His smilewas mocking and hungry at once, an expression exciting andanxiety-provoking.
Conyod was too stirred to bow to the warningsin his head begging him to not goad an aroused Nobek. Sletran wasindeed excited. It was in the darkness of his eyes, the hint offangs peeking between his lips, the swollen crotch of his trousers,and the spicy scent of a Kalquorian man’s lust joiningConyod’s.
“Don’t stop,” the Imdiko whispered, strainingtoward him.
Sletran continued to stare at him. He slowly,deliberately, licked the wetness from his fingers, which had sorecently been stroking Conyod’s primary.
“You taste lovely, Imdiko. You feel good. Sowet and hard. So hungry for attention. I just have to figure outwhat I want to do with you first.”
“Really?” Sletran swooped to deliver a kissto Conyod’s nipple. His lips tightened around it and sucked gently.He licked next, his coarse tongue rough. Conyod gasped at the spikeof pure arousal beelining from his chest to his jerking shafts.
Then Sletran bit. A jolt of pain joined theexciting heat building in the younger man’s groin. His cocksthrobbed. Conyod writhed and groaned. “Yes!”
“You are grown up.” Sletran kissed and lickeda path to the other nipple. His teeth closed on the darkcircle.
Conyod’s ass bounced on the lounger’scushions as torment and lust tore through him at the Nobek’s bite.“Fuck!”
Sletran snickered and growled at once. Hesucked his nipple and bit again.
It was too much. Conyod had claimed hecouldn’t best Sletran in a fight for dominance, hadn’t imagineddoing so, but carnal hunger overtook him. His lover must havethought he’d totally surrendered. When Conyod yanked, his wristsbroke free of Sletran’s grip.
He wasn’t as fast as a battle-hardened Nobek,but one who was taken by surprise was slower to react. Conyodmanaged to shove him off and pull Sletran’s shirt open to display achest chiseled within an inch of its life before the Nobekresponded.
Sletran made up for his lapse. The worldswirled around Conyod. He was abruptly on his stomach, his faceburied in the velvety seat cushion. Sletran’s weight held himpinned. The Nobek swept his long, heavy hair aside, baring the sideand back of his neck.
Conyod discerned what was happening aninstant before his lover’s fangs sank in the thick muscle joininghis neck to his shoulder. He bucked, but the fight was finished.Sletran had him.
Warmth flowed through his veins, or perhapsit was Conyod’s imagination. Real or not, he knew the Nobek’s venomwas filling him, racing toward his brain, where it would render himmore vulnerable than if Sletran had tied him down.
Kalquorian venom affected various speciesdifferently. It was deadly poison to Bi’isils, was harmless butburned like acid when used on Adrafs, sent Plasians into a deepsleep, and set off hallucinations for Beonids. Only Joshadanssuffered no effects, ill or good, from Kalquorian bites.
When a Kalquorian bit one of its kind, itrendered the victim susceptible to the biter’s commands. It was therare Kalquorian who could resist the intoxicating pull of hisattacker’s orders, no matter how he fought to maintain control.
Conyod wasn’t among the rare. When Sletranreleased the bite and said, “Don’t move,” the command soaked intohis consciousness. He didn’t budge when the Nobek’s weight liftedoff him. He felt the other man kneeling over his legs, his knees oneither side of Conyod’s.