Page 5 of Clan and Crave
“Naughty Imdiko.” There was no reprisal inSletran’s tone. In fact, he sounded as if he were gloating. “Tryingto take control? I’ll have to teach you a lesson.”
He rubbed Conyod’s buttocks, a firm massageto both cheeks. The helpless man groaned, his trapped sexes shovingat the cushion beneath him. Sletran’s calloused touch was amazing.When his thumb brushed Conyod’s hole, passion flooded him. Hisinstinct was to jerk, but the order to stay still kept him fromdoing so.
“Yes. Discipline must be given and taught.Fortunately…or perhaps not…I’m a stern taskmaster. If you’re lessthan an avid pupil, it’ll soon change.”
While he spoke, he continued to rub,occasionally tracing Conyod’s entrance. His deep voice, growingbreathy in anticipation, delivered words the Imdiko took littlenotice of. Conyod’s entire being focused on the exhilarating touch.He was wholly unready when the first slap sent fire blazing acrosshis ass.
Conyod yelped and twitched, but Sletran’scommand to remain in place meant he stayed exactly where hewas.
“All grown up.” A second blistering smackbrought a stronger yell. “It’s probably been ages since you’ve hada proper spanking.” Whack. “Good thing I’m here to remindyou—” another strike “—how a young man is supposed to behave—”smack “—in the company of his elders.”
Conyod squalled as his ass turned into aninferno. He was aware of how the heat sank deep in his flesh,seeping into his cocks, which grew fuller and fatter beneathhim.
He’d had disciplinary encounters with loversin the past. He’d enjoyed them as part of sensual play, but thiswas the first time he had reason to worry he might actually comefrom erotic punishment. Every blow of Sletran’s open palm was asheady as a firm stroke of his hand on Conyod’s cock.
How pathetic would it look if he climaxed allover his lounger, like a teenage boy having his first sexualencounter? Conyod didn’t want Sletran to think him an inexperiencedneophyte.
He tried to concentrate on the pain ratherthan pleasure, but an endorphin rush had kicked in. All he felt wasthe incredible heat of the spanking, which enticed rather thandiscouraged excitement. The fact it was Sletran dealing discipline,enjoying him as a man, heightened his eagerness.
His cries had transmuted from shouts of hurtto cries of anticipation and moans of delight. His shafts grew moresensitive, keenly feeling the velvety brush of the lounger. Hewould definitely come if Sletran swatted his ass much longer.
In the swirl of elated confusion fogging hisbrain, Conyod found a single word. He seized on it, unable todetermine if it would help him or make the situation worse. Eitherway, it was all he had.
Sletran’s growl answered, accompanied byanother smack. “That’s it. Beg me. Tell me you’re naughty.”
Conyod panted as the heat of the spankingmade the heaviness in his secondary molten. “Nau-naughty,” hegroaned, snatching at the word his tormentor had provided.
“Yeah. Now say you’re sorry.” The biggerman’s hand rained delicious torment on Conyod’s vulnerable ass.
“S-sorry.” The liquid heat was climbing hissmaller cock, inching an inexorable trail toward its twin.
“Beg me to fuck you.”
“Fuck me!” Though he’d most assuredly lose itif Sletran did at that moment. Conyod couldn’t tell him so,however. He could only repeat the words he was given as he foughtthe increasing tide of bliss pushing to his primary.
“Mmm, sounds good. Say it again. Say, ‘fuckme, Sletran.’” The palm kept clapping his ass cheeks in turn.
“Fuck me, Sletran!” Conyod screamed the wordsin desperation. He was on the brink.
The steady slapping sounds ceased. Sletranrubbed Conyod’s ass, massaging the heat of discipline deep. TheImdiko groaned, impending climax throbbing his shafts, theirexcitement fed by the pain that was pure pleasure.
“Put your delicious ass in the air. Legsspread. Offer yourself to me.”
Conyod wouldn’t have needed the venomspurring him to obey. He was in the excitingly submissive positionbefore Sletran finished talking, his thighs trembling as theysplayed wide.
“That’s it. So beautiful. Look at this hungrylittle hole, waiting for me to fill it. To fuck it and shoot itfull of my cum.”
The sound of the Nobek’s crotch seam purringopen made Conyod’s shafts jerk. He’d probably come himself theinstant Sletran shoved in. It would be embarrassing, but all hecould think of was how he ached for it.
Sletran’s legs, still clad in trousers,wedged between his. The man Conyod had loved for years was about tofuck him. It was an exquisitely erotic moment.
Something hot and slick poked his entrance.Conyod shuddered. His lover felt big. Sletran hadn’t prepared him,hadn’t stretched his tight hole before laying claim.
His tapered tip eased in a couple of inches.Eased out. In again, a little further. Retreated. In, and this timethe Nobek’s larger primary slid along the crevice of his crack.Sletran was invading using the smaller secondary. For all his roughplay and harsh demands, he was being careful with Conyod.
Calloused palms spread his burning asscheeks. “I love seeing this. My cock filling your hole while youmoan beneath me. I’m so fucking glad you grew up the way you have.So glad.”