Page 41 of Clan and Crave

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Page 41 of Clan and Crave

Conyod was grateful he’d stopped drinkingwhen he had. The bohut blur in his brain was starting to ebb whenErybet ushered him and Sletran into his quarters on the base. Hewas able to walk in a straight line, and he hadn’t subsided tolaughter again…certainly not giggles…since the teasing at therestaurant. His speech slurred only occasionally, so that was allright.

He wasn’t sure if the warmth in his gut wasfrom the booze or looking forward to the coming night. Erybet hadbeen added to the mix, an enthralling development. Conyod keptchecking on Sletran, concerned his lover might not be on the samepage when it came to making their recent pairing a threesome sosoon. He was relieved again and again when he found the Nobek’sexpression intent, a sure sign he was excited. The spicy musk scenthe’d detected as they’d walked from town to the base wasreassuring. Sletran was eager to bring Erybet in.

Conyod blinked as the lights to Erybet’squarters came up, their illumination bright after half an hourunder the stars. It took a second for his sight to adjust.

“Living on the base means little in the wayof luxurious homes,” Erybet said. “Don’t walk into thefurniture.”

“Bigger than a squad leader’s rooms,” Sletrannoted. He openly ogled the vid and audio equipment set up in thecommon area. “Nice entertainment system.”

“And seating.” Conyod ran his palm on theback of the massive lounger taking up major footage in theapartment. He was no expert when it came to high-end furnishings,having grown up on a ranch where everything suffered frequentcleanings and rough use. Nonetheless, Erybet’s belongings showedattention to detail in their construction, even to his untrainedeye. “The décor looks straight out of a showroom.”

“My tastes might be a bit extravagant,” theDramok chuckled. “Once I make it to company commander rank, I’llbuy a home next to the beach…or at the top of a mountain, if I’mstationed elsewhere. Somewhere nice, anyway.”

“Company commander,” Sletran mused. “While Ican appreciate the excitement of tactical planning and the perks ofsuch a rank, it would probably be more paperwork than it’sworth.”

“It is a lot of documentation and the like,”Erybet acknowledged. “I was a high commander’s assistant after myfirst promotion, and you wouldn’t believe how much time he and hisstaff had to spend on computers writing up reports. The otherassistants, all Nobeks, were in a constant state ofirritation.”

Conyod half-listened. His feet had begunwandering of their own volition, touring him around the space thatincluded a small but efficient kitchen filled with high-endappliances and an inviting dining nook. Erybet did have goodtaste.

“The sleeping room’s behind you,” the Dramokadvised him.

Conyod turned toward the closed door oppositethe entrance they’d come in through. “Here?” he said, inching closeto it. “Is it as nice as the rest?”

“Nicer once you walk in.”

“Smooth line,” Conyod laughed. He steppedclose enough to trigger the automatic door to open. Flashing asmirk at the grinning pair watching him, he went in.

Again, the furniture was grand for the smallspace it occupied. Erybet’s sleeping mat, which stretched acrossthe floor, was accompanied by only two small tables on either sideof its padded headboard. The pillows were thick, billowy mounds.Conyod, who couldn’t seem to stop touching everything, found thecover whisper soft. Perfect for wallowing on in the company of twogorgeous men.

A finger ran down his spine, electrifyinghim. He whirled to find Erybet had come up on him, as silent asSletran had ever managed. “You should see how the linens feel whenyou’re naked.”

“Want to help?”

“I insist on it.”

Even Sletran, who’d followed Erybet and stoodbehind him looking over his shoulder, stilled and directed hisattention when the Dramok spoke in the commanding tone. Part ofConyod wondered if his beloved’s breath had stopped briefly, as hishad.

He couldn’t imagine how anyone had ever madethe mistake of categorizing Erybet as a Nobek. Unlike the primalferocity of the warrior breed, his was a calculating assurance ofutter domination.

Gazing intently at Conyod’s face, Erybetpulled the collar of his shirt, parting its resealable seam downthe front. He peeled it off the younger man’s shoulders and armsand tossed it to the corner of the mat before lowering his stare toinspect the Imdiko’s torso. Erybet’s pupils widened, and he lickedhis lips.

“A lot of gorgeous man here. How do youmanage to let him leave your bed, Sletran?”

“It isn’t always easy, but sometimes I needthe break. He has the libido typical of a male in hismid-twenties.”

Erybet softly growled as he traced roughfingertips along the swells of Conyod’s pectoral muscles. “Quickrecovery, huh?”

“He could put teenage Nobeks to shame.”Sletran chuckled and winked at Conyod. His expression was themerriest the bruiser could manage, but his eyes were as dark asErybet’s while he watched the Dramok touch Conyod.

“Good thing there are two of us to keep upwith you, Imdiko.”

Erybet suddenly kissed him. It was notentative buss, but a passionate taking, reeling his senses. Conyodfound his arms pinned to his sides by the Dramok’s, his lipsclaimed in heady possession.

Not just his lips. Erybet’s tongue tookadvantage of Conyod’s startled gasp, plunging in his mouth. Again,it was far from a careful tasting. He was devoured with authority.It weakened his knees and brought desire surging to the fore.

Conyod had more muscle than his talleradmirer, but no part of him had any intention of breaking free. Hegripped Erybet’s waist instead, having just enough freedom in theDramok’s grip to do so.

His thoughts broke apart under the demandingkiss. Only instinct prompted him to return it in kind, his tonguestroking its invading twin as it went on and on.

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