Page 42 of Clan and Crave

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Page 42 of Clan and Crave

When Erybet finally ended it, leavingConyod’s lips feeling swollen, the Imdiko was grateful he washolding him so tightly. The room rocked unsteadily around them, andhe was certain his drinking at dinner had no part of it. No, it wasall the work of the beautiful man who gazed at him, desire fillinghis eyes.

“I’ve been dying to do that for weeks,”Erybet said. “Damn if it wasn’t as amazing as I’d hoped.”

He let Conyod go and gave him a push. Itwasn’t a hard shove…rather gentle, in fact…but the Imdiko was sooff-balance, he crashed to the mat behind him. He lay staring atthe men looming at its foot.

Sletran continued to stand back. He seemedcontent to watch as the encounter unfolded, his tongue peeking outto wet his lips. Conyod didn’t miss the tented crotch of hislover’s pants. Sletran was enjoying the show.

I bet he won’t lift a finger to stopErybet from doing whatever he likes to me. The idea excitedConyod, though he knew if he demanded the Dramok cease, Sletranwould support his wishes.

He couldn’t imagine calling a halt to whatwas happening.

Erybet grabbed his leg and lifted it to pullConyod’s ankle boot off. Then he stripped him of the secondshoe.

“Don’t move.” His tone froze Conyod to thespot. Erybet rubbed the Imdiko’s inner thighs up and down, coming ahairsbreadth from touching the telltale swelling shouting Conyod’senthusiasm. “Stay right where you are. This is where I wantyou.”

A fine trembling broke over Conyod,especially when Erybet seized him in another brain-melting kiss,still massaging his inner thighs. Thanks to the heady kiss, thestrong hands rubbing so close where excitement lived took ongreater importance. Conyod wadded the soft bed coverings in hisfists so he wouldn’t grab the other man. He fought againststraining to win contact where he desired it most.

Erybet released his mouth but continued tokiss. He nipped Conyod’s chin, then his lips moved softly on theImdiko’s throat. The contact grew hotter and wetter when Erybet’smouth opened, and Conyod detected the hardness of the other man’steeth, as if he readied to tear into his throat. Electric eagernesscoursed through him.

Erybet moved lower, arrowing toward a darknipple. Conyod waited for him to kiss, bite, or lick it in anxiousanticipation, but it was the Dramok cupping his avid crotch thatmade him jerk in shock.

“Be still,” Erybet growled. His palm workedConyod’s eagerness, making it impossible to obey despite thepreviously irresistible Dramok tone. Conyod kept his hands fistedon the linens, but his legs kicked, and his hips rose to greet thedelicious contact.

“Is he usually so badly behaved?” Erybetglared at Sletran over his shoulder, as if the Nobek had beenremiss in teaching his lover better.

“I warned you about those youthful hormones.Once his cocks get involved, discipline and self-control go out thewindow.”

“I see. We’ll teach him better. There’s adrawer in the wall behind you. I’d appreciate you using thehovercuffs you’ll find in it on his ankles.”

Sletran did so, setting them to respond tohis and Erybet’s commands and physical prompts to move. Meanwhile,the Dramok’s tongue tasted Conyod’s nipples. His attentionalternated between gentle and rough while he continued to applyfriction to the Imdiko’s groin. Conyod writhed despite his attemptsto remain in place as he’d been commanded.

He’d managed to keep his hands from touchingErybet as he was desperate to. Nonetheless, once Sletran had hislegs incapacitated, their host told the Nobek, “Would you mindpinning his wrists for me? I’d like to see him stretched helplessacross the bed.”

“I’d be delighted.” Grinning hugely, Sletranquickly maneuvered Conyod so he lay with his arms extended over hishead. Erybet positioned the Imdiko’s legs so they splayed in anarrow vee.

“Freeze subject,” the Dramok told the cuffsas he eyed his squirming prize. “Now I can enjoy him at my leisurerather than deal with his disobedience.”

He lay between Conyod’s legs. Conyod stillwore his trousers, and Erybet mouthed his engorged crotch, wettingthe fabric so it darkened. Conyod was equal parts titillated anddeprived by the nearness of oral pleasuring he could only detect bythe pressure. His legs fought to kick and went nowhere.

“So hard,” Erybet mumbled against him,setting off vibrations that elicited a moan. “I bet I could get himoff in his pants.”

“Would be a waste,” Sletran said. “He’s atasty one.”

“I’ll admit he smells delicious. Guess I’dbetter find out for myself.”

Erybet pulled open Conyod’s pants. TheImdiko’s eager shafts fairly leapt from their prison, standingstraight up barely an inch from his tormentor’s nose. Erybetinhaled deeply as he eyed the engorged cocks.

“Nice. Definitely deserving of a lick ortwo.” Which he proceeded to do to the smaller of the pair.

Conyod’s head slammed to the bed as hegroaned. The sizzle of pleasure the Dramok’s tongue gave shotstraight up his spine. Sletran chuckled.

Erybet grinned, his face hovering aboveConyod’s need. “Enjoy yourself, Sletran, while I do the same. Bewarned I’m in no hurry.”

“Understood.” Sletran stretched beside hiscaptive and kissed him as Erybet began tasting in earnest.

Conyod’s uncontrollable wiggling grewstronger as the Dramok swallowed first his secondary, then hisprimary. He moved back and forth between the clamoring pair, hisrough tongue applying toe-curling excitement. Meanwhile, Sletran’stongue plundered Conyod’s mouth, as if they’d never kissed beforeand he was intent on discovering the intimacy. Every cell ofConyod’s body was alight and growing more acute under the carnalassault.

The Imdiko was incredibly aware of hishelplessness against the two men determined to devour him. It madeevery nuance of their lovemaking come into laser-sharp focus. Heswore he could feel every bump of their tongues on him.

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