Page 48 of Clan and Crave
Erybet smiled at him. Conyod thought he sawsome condescension in his regard, a look he’d never gotten from theDramok before. “I’m sure it feels that way. He’s your firstsignificant relationship, isn’t he? The first is special, no doubt.But you’re young. And please understand I mean no offense when Isay this, you’re also inexperienced when it comes to thesematters.”
“I won’t argue those points, but the fact is,I’ve been in love with Sletran since I was fifteen. There’s neverbeen another Nobek. There never will be.”
“Conyod, you can’t mean it. You’re apsychologist, and you understand how emotions work. You’reinfatuated, so it feels like you can’t love anyone else ofhis breed. It fades when you get bored or someone better comesalong. For instance, I have this friend who’s a fellow groupcommander—”
“Excuse me for interrupting you, Erybet, butI need to be clear. Sletran isn’t a mere crush. You are.” Hurt andanger made Conyod sharp. “Sletran is my clanmate in all but name.We have a commitment that can’t be broken. If you aren’t willing togive my Nobek a real chance…then there’s no point in us continuingto see you.”
“Whoa, hold on, Conyod,” Erybet broke in, atrace of alarm flitting across his face. “Okay, I realize this isupsetting you. I’m sorry if I said anything to make you feel Idon’t take you seriously. I do. Let’s just slow down for a bit. Ofcourse I’m happy to give Sletran a chance. I have every intentionof doing so.”
Relief settled over Conyod. “You do?”
“Like I said, he’s terrific. I just need moretime where he’s concerned. I know and am friendly with severalNobeks. Maybe there’s something I’ve missed to help him stand outfrom the rest.”
“He’s head and shoulders above any Nobekyou’ve encountered.” Conyod grinned. “You’ll see.”
“All right. Such a glowing recommendationdeserves my full attention. When do you plan to visit usagain?”
Reassured and relieved, Conyod spent nearlyan hour chatting with the charming Dramok.
* * * *
One month later
It took all Conyod’s self-control to keepfrom leaping in Sletran’s open arms when he left his shuttle on thebase’s visitors pad at his next visit. The past week had felt likean eternity despite their nightly coms.
Sletran swallowed him in a hug and kissed hisear before whispering, “I’ve been counting the minutes.”
“Me too.” Conyod had to dampen a surge ofemotion to hear his Nobek speak so sentimentally, though he’d doneso quietly thanks to the man who’d approached a few steps behindhim.
Conyod grinned at Erybet when Sletranreleased him. After an instant’s hesitation and a quick glance atthe Nobek, the Dramok also hugged him. “It’s so good to finallyhave you back here.”
“Thanks.” Some of Conyod’s enthusiasm wasdimmed to note the tension between the two men he adored.
Erybet had been warmer to Sletran since hisand Conyod’s conversation about giving the Nobek fair considerationwhere a significant relationship was concerned. They’d had drinks acouple of times and dinner once. However, Erybet was also stillseeing Group Commander Tox.
“He has every right to do so while evaluatingme, and I’m trying not to be territorial…” Sletran had told Conyodduring their last conversation.
“But it’s tough when you’ve made even aslight commitment to him,” the Imdiko finished for him.
“It’s tough when I know he’s serious aboutyou. The urge to campaign for his affections feels bothimportant and beneath me. It seems as if I’m begging him to likeme, and I don’t enjoy it.”
“It is beneath you to jump throughrings.” Conyod had been firm. “Be yourself, my Nobek. Don’t behavedifferently to impress him. You’re perfect as you are.”
If only Erybet would acknowledge Sletran’sperfection Conyod thought now as he smiled up at the lovelyfeatures beaming at him.
“Do you mind an early lunch?” Erybet invitedthem. “It’ll have to be mess hall chow, because Sletran and I areboth due to be elsewhere in an hour, but it’s ronka stew.”
“Which is impossible to screw up badly,”Sletran laughed.
“It sounds perfect.” Conyod linked his armsin theirs. “Let’s eat.”
* * * *
“I can’t believe they’re making a case ofthis. It could be because he’s a Dramok. Certain people have had itout for him simply because of his breed. I’ve always suspected itof High Commander Zyrf.”
“Don’t read too much into it. It was a majorincident, though luckily no one was permanently hurt. Erybet’s abig boy. He’ll do fine.” Conyod was confident.
He and Sletran were alone in the Nobek’squarters. Erybet had commed earlier, his tone disgusted as he’dapologized for having to attend an official meeting that hadindications of going late.