Page 49 of Clan and Crave
“He’s there because of those two ronkas’asses who almost blew up their squad. He shouldn’t have to answerfor it when I was in charge on the field.” Sletran wasn’t fretting,but he was angry. He paced the floor of his living space.
“He said he has your back. He read thereports from the witnesses and knows you aren’t responsible.”
“It’s his ass the high commander will bekicking when it should be mine. It isn’t right.”
“He’s your immediate superior. You told me hegoes to bat for his guys when they deserve it, and this situationfits the bill. Even if you weren’t on his radar as a potentialclanmate, he’d jump to defend you.”
“He might not be so thrilled with me by thetime Zyrf is through.” Sletran halted and gazed at Conyod. “I can’tbe sure if this is working between him and me.”
Conyod wasn’t sure either. Wishing for itwouldn’t make a relationship happen between his lovers, and heached to admit it to himself.
I have to come to terms with it, though.
For Sletran, he projected optimism. “He’sangry his and his star squad leader’s impeccable records are beingchallenged. Did you hear what he said? ‘No one’s blaming the bestmen they’ve got for this bullshit.’ He included you, Sletran.”
The Nobek was silent for several seconds,continuing to look at Conyod, his stare evaluating. Finally, hesaid, “Erybet will go all the way, you realize. He has what ittakes to become a high commander, right under the Imperialruler.”
“Sure he will. You’ll be a success yourself.You’ll earn as much rank as you wish.”
“He’d be an excellent Dramok for you. I cansee it so clearly.”
Conyod scowled. “As long as he’s your Dramokas well. Don’t act noble and tell me to choose him over you if heforces the issue. It won’t happen.”
Sletran stepped close and gripped hisshoulders. “He cares for you. I don’t believe it’s a matter ofwinning a rare Imdiko any longer, perfect as you are. I think he’sfalling in love.”
“At lunch, he couldn’t take his eyes off you.He hung on your every word. I’ve never heard of Erybet being asintent on anyone as he is for you.”
Conyod stared at him. Was it true? Did Erybetregard him as more than merely a potential clanmate?
Sletran kissed his forehead. “I want you tohave the best chance at a happy future. No matter what it means, Iwant you to have the life and clan you deserve.”
Conyod stroked the Nobek’s jaw. His heartfelt it could burst. “I don’t know what I deserve, but I know whomy future must include. It’s you. Maybe Erybet someday too if hecomes to his senses where you’re concerned. Whether he does ordoesn’t, you are my future, my Nobek. You might as well get itthrough your thick skull.”
The warrior’s tough exterior softened. Hepulled Conyod in close. His kiss seared thought from the youngerman’s brain.
“Don’t move,” Sletran said when the kissended an eternity later. “I can’t take this for granted. I need toshow you what you mean to me.”
Breathless, Conyod could only nod. TheNobek’s longing gaze held him a silent prisoner.
Sletran undressed him in the middle of theliving space, pulling his shoes and clothes off and tossing themaside. Then he examined him with the care of a surgeon, taking inevery detail, walking around him to inspect Conyod’s naked, eagerbody. A fine trembling ran through the Imdiko to be so minutelyevaluated.
He ached for Sletran to touch him. Anywherewould do fine; it didn’t have to be his cocks. They were engorgeddespite no contact having been made since his trousers had beenstripped from him. His very skin seemed to tug toward his lover,starving for his mouth and hands.
At last, Sletran stood before him, his eyesdark as they peered into Conyod’s. His rough fingertips stroked theImdiko’s cheeks. They traveled to his temples to draw his long hairfrom his face, baring him. Conyod strained forward, desperate forhis kiss.
Sletran’s grip tightened. “Remain still, myImdiko. Let me appreciate all I can about you.”
When Conyod reluctantly subsided, Sletranrewarded him by delivering another toe-curling kiss. Awash indesire, the younger man’s fists clenched at his sides as he foughtto obey his Nobek’s wishes. He voiced a pleading whimper.
“I know,” Sletran reassured him between nipsto his lower lip and chin. “Your wanting me so much is a gift, myConyod. I’m grateful, and I’ll show you. But you must bepatient.”
His calloused palms slid to cup the back ofConyod’s neck as he mouthed a warm, wet trail along his throat tohis chest.
By the time he finished kissing, licking, andbiting the Imdiko’s nipples, Conyod was quaking. His pulse poundedin his slickened cocks, and he kept unconsciously rising on histoes. His brain swam in yearning from the slow, deliberate teasingSletran subjected him to.
“Poor boy,” the Nobek growled, his ownarousal scent coming off him in waves despite the fact he was fullyclothed. “So young and full of need, and I’m nowhere close to beingdone with you.”