Page 50 of Clan and Crave

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Page 50 of Clan and Crave

“My Nobek,” Conyod groaned.

“My Imdiko. Come to the lounger. Sit.”Sletran half-helped, half-pushed him to the large piece offurniture and lowered him to its surface. “There. Spread your legswide enough for me to fit between.”

The bigger man knelt on the floor, bracketedby Conyod’s knees. The Imdiko’s ass jerked clear off the loungerwhen his lover’s fist circled the bases of his cocks. Chuckling,Sletran pushed his hips down.

“Hands at your sides. Keep them there.”

Conyod’s fists grasped the seat cushion asSletran’s head lowered. His hips tried to buck when the Nobek’stongue drew a slow circle around the tip of his secondary. Hislover kept them from doing so, his grasp on Conyod’s shafts carefulbut firm.

He lapped the Imdiko’s smaller lengthlovingly, claiming the wetness beading from his pores. Sletran’seyes half-closed in pleasure as he claimed every emerging drop ofexcitement, his tongue deliciously rough as it licked and lickedand licked. Conyod couldn’t help but squirm. Sletran controlledhim, keeping him in place and adding to his arousal.

His attention shifted to the younger man’sprimary. He eyed the drop of pre-cum glistening on its slit openingin proprietary satisfaction before slowly dragging his tongue overto claim it. Conyod’s feet thumped the floor, able to move up onlyan inch or two thanks to Sletran’s beefy arms weighing his legsdown.

“Fuck,” Conyod groaned.

“Eventually.” Sletran licked the length ofhis larger cock, and Conyod stomped the floor again.

The Nobek’s mouthings grew in passion as theminutes passed. His pace remained leisurely, however, and Conyodcouldn’t help but notice every nuance of his tongue’s travels onhis livid flesh. The lovemaking was excruciating in its detailedbliss, arousing him as much as a determined rhythm or demandingpace would have. His cocks jerked, and his heartbeat seemed tooriginate from his sexes rather than his chest. Spasms of sheerpleasure rocketed through Conyod’s groin. Sletran’s grip at theroots of his shafts had a secondary effect besides keeping theImdiko’s hips pinned to the lounger. It thwarted him from coming ashe was growing more and more desperate to do.

It was the ingredient that drove him crazywith desire and agony: his lover controlling him utterly. Sletranforcing him to submit excited Conyod to no end, but until the Nobekallowed him release, he’d suffer. The exquisite torture had himbegging his master to let him come, please let him come.

“Always so eager,” Sletran chuckled. “I’mgoing to miss the fun when you gain better control. Keep thosehands where I told you, or I’ll do this to you all night.”

Had he tormented Conyod before? He went towork on him with a will, his head fairly bouncing over the Imdiko’scrotch as he sucked his primary hard. Conyod squalled. His feetpounded the floor. He fought to keep his hands where they clawedthe cushion They twisted the fabric as he hung on for dear life.Sletran had picked up a few sadistic tendencies since their nightsin Erybet’s company. Conyod didn’t put it past him to make good onhis threat.

The Imdiko’s cries were echoing off the wallsof the small room when Sletran’s hold eased and he swallowed theentirety of Conyod’s primary. A roiling blast of heat shot throughhis cocks as he let go in shattering bursts down the Nobek’ssteadily pulling throat.

Conyod’s body was heavy and unmoving when thepulses finally ceased. His head lolled, the brain in it empty ofthought. His view of the ceiling and far wall was blurred. The manwho stood tall in front of him and began to shed his uniform was anindistinct shape in the aftermath of the violent climax.

He offered no resistance when the muscledbehemoth bent over him. He had a dim understanding of being drapedacross Sletran’s shoulder, of the Nobek walking him around to therear of the lounger. He was set on his feet facing the sturdy pieceof furniture. His legs had no strength to hold him up, but itdidn’t matter. He was folded at the waist on the back of thelounger, where he lay limp.

Rough hands spread his ass cheeks apart. Legspushed space between his. Something traced the rim of his entranceas a sigh filled the air. “Beautiful.”

Awareness was just beginning to encroach onConyod’s consciousness when a slick intruder began to burrow inhim. Sheer reflex encouraged him to relax and yield to it. Sletranslowly teased his way in, entering and retreating and enteringdeeper at each stroke. His hands kept Conyod’s ass spread, and theImdiko had the vision of his lover watching himself disappearing inhis accepting flesh as he fucked him.

He groaned when his own cocks responded tothe idea, warming despite the devastating orgasm he’d suffered. Hisyouthful libido and quick recoveries were often a trial rather thana pleasure since he and Sletran had become lovers.

His shafts perked up when Sletran’s thicknessslid along his prostate, sending electric bliss through them.“Unfair,” he moaned.

“Ah, you’re awake. In all ways?” Sletranmaintained his grip on one ass cheek. The other hand graspedConyod’s primary and found it erect. He laughed, but there was agrowl in the mirth. “I knew I could count on you.”

“Mercy,” Conyod pleaded as Sletranmasturbated him in rhythm to his steady thrusts. “I can’t comeagain so soon.”

“Good. Hold out for something better than myhand.”

Conyod wasn’t sure he could. Sletran hadreleased his ass because his groin was now slapping it as he drovedeep. His engorged shaft rubbed the Imdiko’s hotspotcontinuously.

To make it worse, Sletran started talking.“Look at you, bent over for me to fuck, so sweet and submissive.Offering your ass to me to shove in deep. Ancestors, it feels soamazing how tight you’re gripping my cock. Squeezing it, begging meto fill you with an ocean of hot cum.”

The description added to the growing hungerin Conyod’s ever enthusiastic sexes. Strength was slowly returningto his body, but for the moment, he could only shudder as Sletrancontinued to praise his ass’ embracing grasp and describe how he’dsoon shoot his seed in him.

Not so soon that Conyod wasn’t writhingfrantically against Sletran’s hold on the nape of his neck, hisfeet beating the floor and his fists pounding the lounger when theNobek’s primary finally jolted, unleashing a flood of passion thatescaped Conyod’s ass to slide warmly down his thighs. By then,Sletran was riding him hard, making it so Conyod would know wellinto the next day he’d been thoroughly fucked.

Sletran sank onto Conyod as the final tremorsshivered through him. He’d halted pumping the Imdiko’s primarywhile he’d climaxed, but he began once more. Pinned under hislover’s muscled weight, Conyod couldn’t escape the tormentingthrill despite his frantic bucking.

“Problem, my Imdiko?” Sletran teased.

“Please. You’re killing me.”

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