Page 51 of Clan and Crave

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Page 51 of Clan and Crave

“I doubt it, but I am being cruel when it’sactually the last thing I intended.”

Sletran’s heavy pressure lifted, and hescooped Conyod in his arms like he was a child. Despite thedesperate sexual haze driving him crazy, Conyod found thewherewithal to marvel at his lover’s strength.

Sletran carried him to his sleeping mat andset him on his back. Before Conyod could reach for him, he swung aleg over his hips. He knelt straddling the younger man, his asshovering above Conyod’s eager need.

“Yes,” the Imdiko implored.

“Sweet Conyod. I was ready to give you up soyou could have the clanmates you deserve…but now all I want to sayis don’t ever leave me.”

How could Sletran think he would? His Nobekwas perfect. “Never.”

He had a mere moment to bask in Sletran’ssmile. Then his beloved sank down, enclosing him in the mostdelightful of embraces.

Had he not come earlier, Conyod would havedone so in an instant. However, he managed a few incredible minutesof anticipation as Sletran rose and fell on him, whispering wordsmost Nobeks would consider diminishing of their warrior statuswhile gently caressing his face, throat, and torso. Conyod was wellaware of his Nobek’s gaze on him as he writhed under him, as desirereached its peak, as he shouted his overwhelming pleasure.

Later, when Sletran spooned him from behind,Conyod drifted among scattered thoughts. Among them was a prayer toany entities who might be listening for Erybet to realize howperfect the three of them would be together.

Chapter Twelve

Conyod left the mess hall after breakfast,hurrying toward the visitor’s shuttle pad. He and Sletran hadlingered at the meal until the Nobek had to rush off to start hisshift for the day, so they’d said their goodbyes until the nexttime they could get together.

Conyod stopped in Sletran’s quarters to grabhis overnight bag. Whistling contentment, he was halfway to hisshuttle when a voice hailed him.

Already smiling, he turned to see Erybetwalking in his direction. His smile faltered for a second at thesight of a stranger keeping step with the Dramok. A Nobek, theinsignia pins on his uniform identifying him as a fellow groupcommander.

He just happened to see me while already inthe guy’s company. This isn’t Sletran’s competition, Nobek Tox.

“Hey, you weren’t running off without sayinggoodbye, were you?” Erybet’s bright grin offset the demand as heand his companion drew close.

“I figured you were already neck deep atwork. Did last night’s meeting go okay?”

The Dramok’s smile faltered for an instant,then returned in full force. He waved off the matter. “It was ronkashit. I’ll live to fight another day. Hey, let me introduce you toan old friend. This is Group Commander Nobek Tox.”

“Not so old, thanks.” Tox chuckled andbowed.

He was nearly as tall as Sletran, but hisphysique was more streamlined, built for speed rather thanstrength. A crooked nose and a scar along his jaw didn’t detractfrom otherwise appealing looks. In fact, they lent him characterConyod supposed would be attractive, had he been in the market fora lesser Nobek.

“A pleasure to meet you, Group Commander,” helied. His stomach churned as he caught a whiff of the man’s scent:a pleasant soap aroma from a recent shower that failed to erase asmell Conyod had gotten to know…Erybet’s distinctive musk.

“So formal. Please call me Tox,” the beamingman invited. “I’ve heard a lot about you from Erybet. The reportsare complimentary, unlike what he might have said about me.”

“You know I hold you in the highest esteem,”Erybet laughed. “As much as I do Conyod.”

Conyod stilled the sharp retort that wantedto come. For all he knew, Tox was uninformed of his and Sletran’siron-clad relationship. Erybet might have set up this surprisemeeting while neglecting to tell Tox of it.

He put on a show of politeness. “It’s good tomeet you. I apologize for being in a rush, but I have rounds thisafternoon at the hospital.”

“Erybet told me you’re an up-and-comingpsychologist. Impressive.” Tox’s com went off. He checked themessage and grimaced. He gave Erybet a significant gaze. “It wouldappear I have to run off too. I hope I can run into you again soon,Conyod. Catch up with you later, Erybet.”

His summons must have been important becausehe zipped off after a hurried bow to Conyod.

“I’ll walk you to your shuttle,” Erybetoffered, his expression determinedly cheerful. Conyod didn’t misshe glanced after the swiftly moving Tox. His brow creased in whatthe Imdiko guessed was concern.

Conyod resumed his trek to the visitors’ pad.As the Dramok kept pace next to him, he scented Tox on hiscompanion.

“You two spent the night together. You couldhave joined Sletran and me instead.” He managed to keep his tonesteady.

Erybet drew a deep breath. “The meeting withHigh Commander Zyrf didn’t go as well as I might have indicated. Itdidn’t go well at all.”

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