Page 52 of Clan and Crave
Conyod slowed, then halted. “What do youmean?”
Erybet also stopped. He shrugged and gazed inthe distance. “Like I said, it was a pile of ronka shit he threw atme. He’s hoping to make it stick so he can build a case forstripping me of rank.”
“You and Sletran?” Conyod gasped.
“Just me. Sletran’s safe. I made sure of it.He isn’t the focus of Zyrf’s campaign anyway.”
Conyod stared at Erybet. “I don’t understand.You weren’t there when the explosion happened. How could you beresponsible for it?”
“Zyrf has this whole song and dance about mynot adequately controlling my men, neglecting proper discipline, soon. What it boils down to is he hates a member of my breed climbingthe ranks in a Nobek’s army. He’s had it out for me since he wasassigned as my superior.”
“Tox gave you a look after he received a commessage. Did it—”
“Zyrf’s on a fishing expedition. He’sinterviewing a bunch of group commanders in hopes of findingallegations I’m derelict in my duties. I do everything by the book,and I document it. I doubt he can make anything stick, but in themeantime, he’ll go out of his way to be a pain in my ass.”
“I’m sorry he’s putting you through this,Erybet. Isn’t there anyone you can appeal to?”
The Dramok grinned. “Would a Nobek do so? Howmuch respect do you think I’d earn crying to the oversightcommittee full of their breed that High Commander Zyrf is pickingon me?”
He had a point, Conyod realized. “You couldhave chosen an easier career.”
“Easy has no merit. I love being asoldier.”
“So why Tox last night? What made him abetter choice than me and Sletran?” Because Erybet was having sucha difficult time thanks to his superior, Conyod was able to ask thequestion without sounding accusing.
“My mood. I realize you’ll eventually have tosee the less flattering aspects of my personality, and I intend tobe honest on that account, but it feels too soon. I hate to scareyou away when I’m so pissed off I can’t be nice. Tox knows thepressures I’m under. He can handle me being rough and angry.”Erybet stroked the back of his fingers along Conyod’s jaw. Hisvoice softened. “You don’t deserve me in such a state. I have a lotto learn when it comes to my temper being less overwhelming aroundan Imdiko.”
Conyod might have appreciated the sentimentif he couldn’t smell Tox on Erybet. “I’m not delicate, Erybet. As apsychologist, I deal in anger and the less positive emotions ofthose who have little to no control. Besides, Sletran understandswhat you’re facing. He may be of lower rank, but he’s stillresponsible for his men and has pressure from his superiors, likeyou.”
Erybet huffed, a note of irritation comingthrough. “Conyod…I don’t think Sletran is for me. I’m sorry, butTox is more my speed. If you give him a chance, I believe you’d beimpressed.”
Conyod’s stomach felt like lead. “I might beimpressed, but it’s Sletran I love. I told you, I can’t consideranother Nobek.”
“I don’t want Sletran. I do want you,however. I wish to be the Dramok you need.”
Conyod stepped back. His guts hurt, and hisheart thumped slowly. Painfully. He didn’t want to do this,especially when Erybet was already combatting his supervisor,but…
“There’s no you and me unless Sletran is partof it. Since he’d hate to be considered simply so you and I can betogether, if he has no hope of being in your heart…no. No, Erybet.I’m sorry, but this affair between you and me is done. I mustchoose him because I can’t be happy otherwise.”
“But…” Erybet stopped, apparently at a lossfor words. For an instant, Conyod saw hurt and confusion on hislovely face. He saw he’d come to mean something important to theDramok.
“Sletran is my Nobek.” He struggled to keephis voice from breaking.
Erybet straightened and careful controlsettled on his features. “I’m sorry you feel that way, Conyod. I’dhoped I could prove my worth to you.”
“You have. You could have had a piece of myheart, but only alongside Sletran. Take care of yourself, Erybet. Ihope everything goes well for you.”
His heart shattering, Conyod hurried to hisshuttle before he could embarrass himself by bursting intotears.
Erybet watched Conyod go. His senses screamedto call him back, to ask him for another chance, to discover someway they could make it right between them. He felt as if his heartwas being torn from his body with every step the hunched Imdikotook from him.
Don’t go. The words screamed in hismind, but he didn’t voice them. He was a Dramok. He never begged,no matter how desperately he wished for something…or someone. Evensomeone as special and perfect as Imdiko Conyod.
He’ll be back. When his crush on Sletrancools, he’ll think of me. Erybet wanted to believe it was true.He stubbornly ignored the clarity he’d seen in Conyod’s eyes, theassurance in spite of the obvious regret when the Imdiko had spokenof his love and how he wouldn’t be happy unless Sletran remained inhis life.
Conyod was nearly to the building he’ddisappear behind to reach the shuttle pad. Erybet waited for him tolook his way. If Conyod glanced to see him still standing there andwatching him, Erybet knew he’d return. Perhaps not just then, butsomeday.
“Turn around. Look at me,” he whispered,directing his formidable will to somehow force Conyod to do so.