Page 60 of Clan and Crave
The sweet pull of Erybet’s attentivenessdisappeared, as did his hold on Conyod’s primary. For a fullsecond, Conyod refused to credit it. Then the Dramok stood tall infront of him, his smile evil.
“What—?” Conyod began.
A sound like rain on a hard surface pattered,cutting him off. He had only a second to wonder what it was beforestings lit his ass in darts of pain. He jerked, and his brainemerged from the fog of arousal.
His head whipped to the side. Sletran knelton the bed next to him. His arm swung in a lazy arc, and anotherspatter of hurt splashed Conyod’s buttocks. The Imdiko yipped.Sletran’s arm drifted back, bringing a knotted-tailed leatherflogger in view.
He struck again, harder. Conyod couldn’t keepfrom trying to avoid the strips of leather painting his ass intorment. He failed, thanks to the cuffs on his ankles keeping himin place. All he could do was twist. His attempts to avoiddiscipline meant Sletran’s flogger found previously untouchedflesh. Conyod gasped and flinched under an increasing torrent thatroasted his unprotected ass. The soft thuds of the strips becameconstant, working up and down his buttocks and thighs. Conyodcouldn’t think straight to beg for mercy.
The flogging stopped. Conyod was so focusedon the burning throb of his ass, he shouted in shock when Erybetsucked his larger cock to its base.
Pain and bliss swirled through his body,confusing him. Was he in heaven or hell? His thoughts scrambled,puzzle pieces dumped in a pile. His cries were inarticulate,halfway between sobs and laughter.
Bit by bit, pleasure gained dominance. Itreduced the smarting of his ass and thighs to intense, pulsingwarmth. Erybet’s mouth and throat were hot, demanding Conyod’ssurrender to increasing sensuality. Even when the Dramok grabbedhis butt, holding him in place as he sucked and swallowed, thediscomfort of the grip on his smarting flesh merited only a passingmoan. Rapture grew, promising greater gratification in the nearfuture.
Again, Conyod was too fuzzy-brained to creditit when Erybet released him and retreated to watch. Sletran’sflogger whipping him astonished him anew. Pain became ascendant,and he fought to thrash his way free in vain until the Nobekrelented and Erybet bent to his somehow undiminished erections.
Conyod quaked under the excruciating bliss asmuch as the flogging. He fought to make sense of the bafflingassault of sensations: agony and ecstasy, twined so tightlytogether as to become a single uproar. When Erybet relinquished himin favor of Sletran’s punishment, what the Imdiko experienced wasno longer precisely pain. It was intense, and it was passionate,but neither hurt nor bliss defined what was happening to him. Thecadence of his cries had no category.
As if given a signal, his tormentorssimultaneously changed tactics. The flogging ended, and Sletrandragged him toward the middle of the mat. Clothes flew from Nobekand Dramok like startled birds taking flight. They drifted to landon the floor, out of Conyod’s sight.
Erybet grasped his cuffed wrists and movedthem from the nape of his neck so Conyod’s palms settled on themat, placing him on all fours. Sletran grasped his hips, hismuscled thighs pushing the Imdiko’s apart. Conyod felt the slicktip of him at his entrance. He gasped when Sletran claimed him…notbrutally but steadily, demanding he yield until the Nobek’s groinmet the younger man’s ass. Conyod whimpered at the renewed sting ofthe welts his lover had left and the aching fullness of his girth,though the sensations were heady rather than uncomfortable.
Fingers carefully curled against his scalp,fisting a handful of his hair. His face was tugged up to an eyefulof Erybet’s livid cocks. Their spicy-sweet scent was intoxicatingas it washed over him. Instinctively, Conyod’s lips parted toreceive what the Dramok wished to give him. Erybet’s taperedprimary, pre-cum beading the slit at its tip, slid on his tongueand deeper. His flavor filled Conyod’s mouth, and he swallowed toclaim his master’s gift.
Hot, demanding flesh claimed him from bothends. They took him firmly, then slower, then fast. Erybet heldConyod’s hair out of the way and Sletran pressed his buttocks apartso they could watch him serve their lusts. They pumped shallowly,they ground deep, they rutted like animals. They sighed, theygroaned, and they growled. The hair rose on his body in instinctivealarm at the bestial sounds.
He drew delight from serving them, in beingtheirs to command. His cocks bobbed in rhythm with their thrusts,the primary tapping his abdomen when Sletran was forceful. His asscontinued to pulse from the flogging, an erotic beat thattransmitted straight to his shafts, which never faded in theirexcitement. He was a textbook Imdiko. Though he had alpha instinctsof his own, he ultimately lived for and found gratification fromtaking care of those he loved.
The fact he had Sletran and Erybet to servebrought a deeper contentment than climax could ever offer. Despitehis aching cocks, he’d never been happier than at that moment.
Their groans announced their joy in him asplit second before the warmth of their passion jetted in his assand mouth. Conyod submerged in the feeling of heat filling his rearpassage and running down his thighs, in the warm spicy-saltysweetness pouring in his mouth and throat. He lost himself in thesong of their moans. He bathed in the musky scents of the mendrowning in pleasure.
He loved them with the entirety of hisbeing.
They slowed, gasping fulfillment, and settledto a stop. There was a stretch of stillness, then slight movementfrom the pair. Trapped between them, skewered by their thus farundiminished erections, Conyod had no idea what was happening untilhe heard the telltale sounds of kissing. He closed his eyes tocontain the abrupt sting of tears. They were searching for eachother, attempting to find more to their relationship than mererespect and a shared affection for him.
Please, let this happen. Let them love eachother as I do.
A few seconds later, they emptied him ofthemselves. Dramok and Nobek rolled him onto his back. Sletranregarded his engorged shafts in surprise.
“Didn’t lose it on us yet, youngling? I’mimpressed.”
“Hey, it isn’t as if I’m a teenager, youknow.” He scowled, then grinned. “Just don’t let a breeze hitthem.”
They laughed. Erybet kissed him and glancedat Sletran. “Do you mind if I have the first shot?”
“I think he’d enjoy welcoming you back assoon as possible.” Sletran settled next to Conyod, his fingertipstracing the lines of the Imdiko’s torso.
They’d stretched him long on the sleepingmat, leaving him cuffed and unable to move of his own volition. “Doyou have to be in complete control?” Conyod asked as Erybet swung aleg over his hips to straddle him.
“I want your attention on what I’m doing toyou. No distractions.” The Dramok gripped his prisoner’s primaryand settled it against his entrance. “I want you to feel this asintensely as possible.”
Conyod’s cocks were already sending warningsignals, threatening eruption at the mere grasp of Erybet’s handand the promise of the man’s tight warmth. He had the idea hisyouthful eagerness would betray him too soon.
Damn it, I wish I had betterrestraint. He ached for this joyous reunion to last longer thanhis sexual appetite would allow.
His command over himself might have beenlacking, but he was in the power of a Dramok, the breed for whomcontrol was a mandate. Erybet lingered motionless, simply holdingConyod’s primary at the threshold of invasion, watching his facewith laser focus. As nothing new happened, the surge of lustthreatening to undo the Imdiko receded to a quieter hum ofarousal.