Page 61 of Clan and Crave

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Page 61 of Clan and Crave

“Better,” Erybet said approvingly.

He inched down, enclosing the tip of Conyod’scock in his taut flesh. Almost at once, excitement woke andclamored greedily. Erybet halted immediately and held still again.Conyod’s hips strained to shift upward, to claim more of hisincredible grasp where it felt best. However, they’d extended hisarms and legs to their limits, robbing him of his ability to move.All he was capable of was tensing.

Sletran chuckled. “Difficult lesson, isn’tit? Don’t worry; we’re patient teachers.”

Conyod noted the Nobek’s stroking of hischest and abdomen had halted when Erybet had frozen. He groaned ashis cocks jerked, demanding what his lovers wouldn’t give himquickly.

Only when desire subsided to a sane level andthe tension in his muscles eased did Sletran resume caressing him,his fingers leaving electric trails. Then Erybet eased further ontoConyod, gaining a couple inches before the Imdiko gave himself awayby straining.

“You’re torturing me,” he gritted between histeeth.

“Hush. You’ll get exactly what you deserve,”Erybet said. He’d taken enough he could release his hand’s grip onConyod’s cock. He licked the wetness from his palm and fingers, hiseyelids heavy in contentment.

Conyod drew a deep breath and attempted togain command over his lust. How could he, when Sletran lay next tohim, the Nobek he continued to marvel he’d won? When Erybet loomed,his elegant body and perfect features too beautiful to fullycomprehend? And the delicious snugness of their joining, whichdrove him crazy despite his efforts to stay sane.

It took a minute…to Conyod, it seemed like aneternity…before Sletran drew circles around his nipple and Erybetsank a couple inches. Once more they halted and waited for him tocalm enough to continue.

An eternity later, Erybet sat on his groin,his ass flexing on Conyod’s raging shaft. The Imdiko’s every breathexhaled on a whimper. He was on the verge, as close to erupting ashe could be without it actually happening. He was aware of Sletranand Erybet watching him as his head tossed. He no longer cared ifhe lasted or not. His need to come had erased any vestige ofself-control.

They wouldn’t allow him to do so. They waitedhim out until his desperate craving gave him room to think. Onlythen did Sletran’s tongue whorl his nipple and Erybet ease up andlower on him.

So very slowly. Just enough to let desireincrease in increments, rather than surge uncontrollably. Conyodrealized he was enjoying the anticipation of the coming climaxalmost as much as its actual fulfillment. He was conscious ofSletran’s every lick and kiss to his chest and abdomen. He wasachingly cognizant of Erybet’s pull on his shaft, of every inch ofhis clutching passage when he enclosed Conyod again. Each secondpassing was more incredible than the last.

Better yet, when his groans increased as theminutes passed, they didn’t stop. Their lovemaking remained steady,and he felt passion creeping its way to the end. Enthralled bytheir possession, he fought to delay it for as long aspossible.

When they finally coaxed sweet unfurlingribbons of ecstasy from him, he rejoiced in each surge of blissrather than being blinded by it. He was fully present for eachrapturous jolt as it left him to join with Erybet. Afterward,hearing their adoring whispers as he floated on a sea of glowingpleasure, he marveled they cared so much to give him the preciousexperience.

How could he not love them?

* * * *

Conyod’s leg bounced as the shuttle’s windowvid brought Clan Tuher’s ranch in view. Erybet, who piloted sinceit was his personal vessel, glanced at the nervous gesture. He puthis hand on Conyod’s knee and smiled reassuringly. “It’ll beokay.”

“They had no idea until two days ago I’vebeen seeing a Dramok seriously. You have no clue how protectivethey are.”

“I do because you and Sletran have thoroughlywarned me. Hey, they might surprise you. I don’t have the historywith your family Sletran does.”

They both glanced at the big Nobek standingbetween their seats in the cockpit. His expression was relaxed, andhe winked at Conyod. “Maybe there’ll be less resentment, but don’tsell yourself short where earning their bitterness is concerned,Erybet. You’re a Dramok, the very man who could clan their son.Therefore, you can take the last hope they have of convincing himto come home and stay.”

“We can turn around and forget the visit,”Conyod muttered. His conversation telling Lafec he was bringing apotential clanmate to meet her and his fathers hadn’t gone well.Though she hadn’t outright refused to allow Erybet to visit, he’dsensed it was on the tip of her tongue. He thought only Tuher’sgruff acceptance had kept her from the denial.

“I’ll be fine. We all will be.” Erybetsqueezed Conyod’s knee before releasing him to work the controls toland next to the shuttles belonging to Clan Tuher and their ranchhands. “I’ll tell you who I’m concerned about meeting…thecelebrated Dresk. If I can’t win his approval, you’ll drop me likea shovelful of kestarsh shit.”

Conyod was surprised into laughter. “There heis, in the center of the corral. Black curly fur, white mane.”

“I recognized him immediately, thanks to yourpictures. Quite the handsome fellow. You will find a smaller, lessintimidating mount for me to learn to ride, right?”

“If you can survive my mother and Vel, youcan survive riding any kestarsh.” Conyod woofed a breath as hisfour parents left the stables and approached the shuttle, which wassettling on the ground. “We can still run.”

“Come on, Conyod.” Sletran gripped his elbowand pulled him to his feet.

Chapter Fifteen

“A Dramok in the ground forces. A groupcommander, no less.”

Conyod glowered at Vel as the Nobek shook hishead as if to say what is the world coming to? As he’dfeared, his parent clan’s reception of his newest lover had beenchilly. Tuher and Sema were distant, but they’d been polite enoughto return Erybet’s bow of greeting. Vel had accorded the slightestof nods to both the Dramok and Sletran. Lafec stood staring atConyod’s sweethearts, her expression openly sullen. She had yet tospeak.

They wore worn, dirty work clothes. It wasearly in the day, so there was no reason for Clan Tuher to look soslovenly. When Conyod had stared at Sema’s pants, crusted withstraw and remnants of the mash they fed the kestarsh once a day,he’d shrugged. “Life on the ranch. Work doesn’t disappear justbecause guests show up.”

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