Page 140 of The Backup Plan
You just paged THEO FISHER? The Fish?!
Give him a minute. He goes to bed early before game days.
Cam resumed pacing and bit the inside of his cheek so hard he tasted blood. Theo Fisher, one of Hayden’s predecessors from almost a decade back, was a consensus All-American, two-time Heisman Trophy winner, the number-one pick of his draft class, the league rookie of the year, a five-time Pro Bowler, three-time All-Pro, and fiercely protective of his university legacy.
WTF is Fish doing in here?
Admins can tag the inactives. BRB, popcorn.
Theo Fisher has entered the chat.
Hamilton, you are sick.
My dude.
I am your nothing. You boys are going to have a seat and take a few deep breaths while I read all this again and try not to burst a blood vessel.
Cam flopped into an uncomfortable chair across the room from Avery, inhaling and exhaling heavily until he felt his throat relax. His arms prickled with goosebumps in the drafty waiting room, adding an interesting texture to the fluffy bumble bee lounging on a life preserver in the middle of his right bicep. The harsh chill in the air opened his lungs.
Paging @group-all-big10 @group-all-acc
Cory Thatcher has disabled screenshots.
Cory Thatcher has enabled auto-destruct on all messages.
You can page a whole conference? Cam, you know what happened to Jordy? WHAT DID I MISS?
Looks like Theo Fisher can page a whole conference if he wants to. Two, even.
You can page one conference for every Heisman Trophy you win.
I can do whatever the hell I want.
Jordan Ackerman has joined the chat.