Page 63 of The Backup Plan
Soup jokes aside, I have an entirely new appreciation for anyone who feels body-shamed. It doesn’t matter that I’m in good enough shape to be at the top of my game. That one word just sticks.
It’s just like everything else, though. One analyst thinks you’re rocking the off-platform throws, another one looks at the same thing and says you’re just playing hero ball. People are always going to think and say what they want. You cannot let your P.R. idiot’s preference for skinny boys shape how you feel about yourself.
I hate this part of the job. I hate this job.
It’s crowd noise. Breathe it out.
If people look below the waist at that one photo and think they see something they like, well, good for them. It’s not explicit or even obvious, and you haven’t done anything wrong.
I feel like I’m being placated.
Oh, you are. I’m not going to tell you you’re pretty and I love everything about you and then take you to bed and prove it like I do with Kaia when she feels insecure. Friendship has its limits, buddy.
You’re going to have to find that kind of reassurance on your own.
Hands shaking, Cam handed Avery his list on Friday afternoon. It was a haphazard scrawl from only a few minutes’ worth of thought, gathered only when he realized he needed to talk about anything but the magazine that landed in every mailbox on campus.
“This is approximately it,” he said. “Can we weave all this together in one piece?”
Avery studied it and smiled. “I’ll bet you have good stories to go with a few of these.”
“Ask me anything.”
“I’m allergic. Bees have tried to end me twice, so, naturally, I love them.”
“That’s dark.”
“If you love flowers, you have to love bees.”
“So what you’re saying is that you want the giant bee to be the centerpiece of the entire thing. Got it.” She pretended to scribble on her sketchpad.
“I know I’m allergic to honey bee stings. Bumble bees may or may not be out to kill me. There can be a cross-reaction, but you don’t know until you try it. I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt.”
She tipped her head and smiled. “That might be the cutest thing ever. You’re trying so hard to find a way to not hate something that could murder you.”
“Honey bees are machines. Bumble bees just bonk into flowers like fluffy bumper cars. They’re too lazy to sting.”
“There’s a visual.” Her shoulder shook as she held back giggles, and her smile was enough to embolden him.
“Do you think you’ll be out tomorrow night? We should be back from Indianapolis pretty early, since we play at noon.”
“I don’t know.” She fidgeted with her pencil. “I guess I’ll see if Isaac wants to go.”
Cam dropped his sketchpad. “You said you guys weren’t together.”
“We’re not, but it’s the rule, right? I can’t just show up. I have to go with someone from the team.”