Page 64 of The Backup Plan
The implication hung in the air like a football at the peak of its arc.
You could come with me.
She glanced up and met his eyes for a moment, but the words lingered on his tongue with the taste of plastic from his mouthguard, teeth clenched. He couldn’t speak.
You could come with me.
He waited too long.
“Anyway, Isaac offered to play mediator with me and Justin, and since he will almost certainly bring Mindy, maybe I can offer her the olive branch if he won’t take it.”
“That’s a good plan. With Mindy, I mean. I’m sorry Justin’s still shut down.”
“Yeah, me too. Isaac kind of forced himself into the conversation, and I guess it can’t hurt. And maybe at a party it will just be casual. If it’s not going well, it’s easy to walk away.”
“I’ll be there,” he said quickly. “If you need anything, I mean. An excuse to talk to someone else, maybe.” He spotted the tiny curl of a smile on her lips.
“Thank you, Cam. Do you know we’ve never really talked outside this building?”
“You’re kidding.” He scratched his jawline. “Wow. Aside from saying hi here and there, we really haven’t.”
“Maybe we should sometime.”
“I really think we should.”
“Cameron Porter, you look dressed for a date,” Shay accused, poking his arm. “I’ve never seen you in a shirt with buttons. Haven’t I taught you to do your hair yet, though?”
“I like my hat. And I try to look a little less locker-room once in a while.” He fidgeted with the rolled cuffs of his sleeves and kept an eye on the front hall. He knew how to do his hair, but his hat was lucky and comfortable, and Avery knew the Cam in the hat. The guy whose face glared from every mailbox on campus felt like a mask on a man in a pinned-tight jersey and limited edition navy and gold Jordans that Shelby insisted no one else had.
“Well, the latest shoot has you looking a little locker-room and very handsome. Have you seen the proofs?”
“No, why would I? I don’t even know what this set is for. No one tells me anything.”
“The ones where you’re in the tight white shirt are for the podcast promo.”
“I forgot I did a podcast.” He rubbed his head. “I truly do not remember who I talked to or what I said.”
Shay hopped excitedly. “It was so good. You talked about sideline pep talks and comebacks. That’s your thing now.”
He felt dizzy. “So now I have a thing.”
“Well, I won’t tell the boss how cute you look tonight.” She fussed with a button on his shirt. “She’ll try and sell you to J.Crew instead of Under Armour. You’ve got that energy here.”
“I’m pretty sure this shirt is J.Crew, and I’d rather Shelby not sell me to anything or anyone.”
Shay lifted a brow. “Kenyon says you’ll be getting paid like Jordy was. Why not do a few deals and bank it? Who knows what’s out there after college?”
“Riches, my friend. Riches and pizza commercials and a place in Canton. I’m the long-lost Manning brother.”
“You don’t even like our media,” Shay reminded him. “If you can’t handle Shelby’s bitchiness, you cannot handle being the face of a franchise.”
“Point taken. I’ll buy my own pizza.” He peered over her shoulder. “Good to see you, Shay. Excuse me.”
He spotted Isaac first, then Avery slightly behind him—not tucking her hand in the crook of his elbow like she usually did, thank goodness. His body tightened when he saw she was in a dress again, this one a little clingier over her waist and hips than the sundresses she liked in warmer weather. The heels on her short boots made her even taller, close to six feet, and her pale blonde hair glowed above her like a halo.
Isaac turned and placed a hand on the small of her back, and she dodged him with a smile. She leaned close to his ear and whispered, then stepped away to speak with a few of the players’ girlfriends. Isaac disappeared into the hall.
Cam wasted no time. He crossed the room and tapped her shoulder.