Page 94 of The Backup Plan
Cory Thatcher has renamed the chat
“QB1 Enthusiastic Consent 18+ Locker Room.”
Justin finally approached Cam on Saturday and asked if he could grab a seat next to him on the short flight home from Colorado.
He rushed in. “I’m sorry I put you in the position I did last weekend,” Justin said. “Buddy, I am ashamed that you had to hold me back from going at our friend and my own sister. That fucking galls me. I’d like to tell you I’m not that guy, but who the hell knows now. Maybe I am.”
“You had enough tequila to wreck a man. That would make anybody go off.”
“It’s no excuse. Look, I know I’ve got a mess to work out, and any dirty laundry out there now is entirely on me. Not Avery or Isaac. Believe me, I know. I said some ugly shit you and Benny had to hear, and you guys had nothing to do with it. I put you in a bad spot, and I know you tried to do the right thing.”
“Yeah. We tried.”
“I don’t remember all of it, but I’m pretty sure I implied I didn’t like the idea of you with my sister.”
Cam caught his breath.
“That was just low, and it’s not true. I know you think you have to be cool with me for the team, and I respect that so much. I hope we get back to being friends. This is all on me.”
“Justin. Jesus Christ, man, of course we’re friends.”
He elbowed his ribs to attempt a joke. “I still kind of wish the thing with her and Isaac worked out.”
“Too bad for you.”
“Is that happening, then? You and Avery.”
Cam chose his words carefully. “We’ll see what happens. It would be nice.”
“She’s liked you for a while. I know you like her. And I understand I don’t get to bless any unions or she’ll hand me my ass in public again, but that doesn’t sound like a bad idea. You and her, I mean, not her handing me my ass.”
“I’m in awe of her. That girl is tough.”
“Avie had to put up with two big brothers who couldn’t decide whether to baby her or teach her to snap a football. And damn, can she snap a football.”
“I didn’t know that about her.”
“I haven’t talked to her all week. Or Fields. Well, barely. I kind of have to talk to him, but I sure haven’t said what I need to say. You’re my easiest apology. I’m going to bug Benny next.”
Cam laughed. “Yay, I’m number one.”
“Man, I don’t know what to say to Fields about dragging him into all this.” Justin slumped back in his seat, his broad shoulders pressed uncomfortably over the curved cushion. “It looks demented. I can see that now.”
“He’s a stellar guy. Of course you want him to be your friend. Of course you wanted him to like your sister. Come on, who wouldn’t? I don’t think it matters what his first name is.”
“That’s the thing, though. Avery’s years ahead of me in coping. I can barely say the guy’s name. That’s just wrong.”
“She told me the student counseling center here is pretty good, and it’s helping her stay on track.”