Page 48 of Alpha Chained
“Bastard. I hope he rots.”
“He’s already rotten. In his fucking soul.” My lip curls. “Anyway, if I’d had a choice, I’d be healing people now.”
“I can imagine that,” she says softly. “You’d be a good doctor.”
I flash a look down at where her thumb is stroking over my knuckles on the gearshift. Knuckles that are scarred and callused from years of violence.
“Maybe not.” My voice is husky.
“You would,” she says firmly. “You’re a good man, Riot. I could tell right from the start.”
“Oh, you could, could you?” I try to lighten the mood. “And there I thought you were checking me out.”
“That, too.” She giggles. “You’re pretty hot, you know. If I could pick anyone I’d like to be locked up and tortured with, it would be you.”
“Good to know.” I’d tell her the same thing, except I can’t find it in myself to make jokes about being behind bars again.
“Go on…you were telling me about growing up. Tell me about your sister. You loved her a lot?”
“Still do.” My voice catches, and I clear my throat. “Willow was just a pup when they took me. She’s grown into a woman now. A mother. She has a mate and a little boy.” I think back to her bright smile and boundless energy. “Her son has her eyes.” I only know this because of the pictures Parker trickle-fed me. I’d do anything to meet my family in the flesh. I stop speaking, and Raura gives my hand a gentle squeeze of reassurance as I fight back the tightness in my throat.
“She must mean so much to you,” she murmurs, her voice soft with sympathy. “I can’t imagine…”
I shake my head, not trusting myself to speak for a moment. Willow was my light in those dark days of captivity – the reason I kept fighting, kept holding onto whatever shreds of myself I could. Knowing she was out there, living her life, gave me strength.
But now? Now that Parker has a reason to use her against me… I can’t allow myself to think about what might happen.
A faded sign up ahead gives me a reprieve from my train of thought. “There’s a truck stop coming up.” I’m grateful to change the subject. “I think we should pull over to refuel. Maybe get something to eat.”
“Good idea.” Raura nods. “I could eat a horse!”
“Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.” I wink at her as I change lanes and take the slip road leading to the small gas station and diner.
I park the truck around the back of the diner, hoping to keep it out of sight for now. The parking bay doesn’t offer much in the way of concealment, but it’s better than leaving it exposed right out front.
The smell of greasy food hits me as soon as we step through the doors. It’s not an unpleasant scent, just…different from what I’m used to. A reminder that this world beyond my captivity is still so unfamiliar.
We find a booth toward the back and slide in across from each other. Raura grabs a laminated menu, her eyes roving over the offerings with an almost childlike enthusiasm that makes me smile.
“What looks good?” she asks, glancing up at me.
“Anything, honestly.” It’s been so long since I had a real meal, not just the mounds of meat they provided at the Enclave. “You order for me.”
She gives me a sly grin. “You sure about that? Could be risky, putting your breakfast in my hands.”
“I’ll take my chances,” I deadpan, trying not to let the way her smile makes my heart skip a beat show on my face.
True to her word, she orders enough food to feed a small army when the waitress swings by. As we wait for our plates, I find myself staring at the large map mounted on the wall beside us. Raura notices me studying it and scoots around the booth to join me.
“Looks like we’ve passed Charleston,” she murmurs, leaning in close so I can smell the soft floral scent of her hair. “So the Enclave must be…” She traces a path back with her finger. “Maybe fifty miles or so that way? We couldn’t travel too long in your condition when we left.”
I nod grimly. Still far too close for comfort. My gaze follows the highway routes further east, toward a cluster of small towns near the shore of one of the Great Lakes.
“That’s where Steel Lakes is,” Raura says, pointing to a spot labeled Tamarack Falls. “An abandoned mining town the pack moved into years ago after the humans left. It’s a couple of hours away from Detroit, but…we could make it there by nightfall if we push it.”
Steel Lakes…her pack.
She’ll be safe.