Page 49 of Alpha Chained
“Yes,” I say, my throat tight. “We could do that.”
“You’re going to love it there! I can’t wait for you to meet everyone.” Her eyes are shining. “And we’ll be able to help Willow,” she says eagerly. “Get her away from Parker before he can retaliate.” Raura meets my eyes, her expression fierce and determined. “I promise you, Riot…we’ll save Willow. Whatever it takes.”
The intensity in her voice, the utter certainty…it’s enough to make me want to believe her wholeheartedly. To let that flicker of hope I’ve smothered for so long burn a little brighter in my chest.
“Then let’s get moving,” I tell her, standing and leaving a handful of crumpled bills on the table. “If we hit the road now—” I stop and frown as something beyond the smeared window catches my attention.
There’s a pair of men standing beside the pickup. They’re looking it over. Their scrutiny sets my teeth on edge, my muscles instinctively tensing.
Raura must sense my unease. “What’s wrong?” she asks in a low murmur.
I jerk my chin toward the window. “Those two are awfully interested in our ride.”
Her gaze flicks to the pair loitering by the truck, hands shoved deep in their jacket pockets against the chill mountain air. One of them circles the vehicle slowly, examining the bodywork.
My heart sinks at the realization that our flight may already be at an end. We’d made it this far; to be run to ground now just seems so fucking unfair.
The men head into the diner, and I go rigid, coiled tight as a spring. My hand finds Raura’s, giving it a warning squeeze. Her eyes meet mine, wide and alert, and she gives a small nod.
We remain unobtrusive as the pair approach the counter, trying our best to blend into the background. My gaze tracks them warily as they lean in close to the waitress, speaking in low, hushed tones. The woman’s expression remains impassive, but she keeps glancing in our direction with a frown.
Shit. They’re onto us.
Raura must realize it, too, because she slips out of the booth without a word, her movements slow and casual. I follow suit, fighting to keep my breathing even as we make our way toward the exit. Every instinct is screaming at me to run, but I force myself to maintain an unhurried pace.
The bell above the door jingles as we step outside. I chance a glance back over my shoulder to see the two men still engaged in conversation with the waitress. For now, at least, it seems they haven’t made us.
We break into a sprint the second the diner’s door swings shut behind us, bolting for the pickup. I yank open the driver’s side door and throw myself behind the wheel.
Raura scrambles in beside me, chest heaving. “Go, go!”
I don’t need to be told twice. The engine roars to life, and I slam the truck into drive, tires squealing as we tear out of the parking lot. For a brief, heart-stopping moment, I think we’re in the clear.
Then Raura sucks in a sharp breath beside me. “Riot…”
I follow her gaze in the rearview mirror to see a large black SUV pulling out behind us, quickly closing the gap between us.
“Hang on,” I growl, stamping on the accelerator.
The pickup bucks beneath us, the force of our acceleration slamming us back into the worn bench seat. I whip the steering wheel back and forth, taking the twists and turns of the mountain road at reckless speeds, but the SUV stays glued to our tail, implacable.
“They’re gaining on us!” Raura’s voice is tight with fear.
I grit my teeth, fighting to maintain control as we careen around a hairpin bend, the truck’s ancient shocks protesting. A quick glance in the side mirror confirms that our pursuers have closed the gap, the SUV’s dark bulk looming large in my view.
Fuck, fuck, FUCK!
We can’t outrun them. Not in this junker with its rusted-out chassis and bald tires. We’re sitting ducks out here on these lonely back roads.
I downshift, the transmission whining in protest as I fight the steering wheel for control. Up ahead, the road splits – one fork leading deeper into the mountains, the other angling back toward the highway we’d left behind.
“Get ready to jump!” I bark at Raura.
She shoots me a wide-eyed look of disbelief, but I don’t give her a chance to argue. Hunching over the wheel, I swing the truck sharply to the right, whipping us onto the road that snakes back toward civilization.
The SUV follows, its engine growling as it powers around the turn after us. It’s closing the gap easily – hardly surprising since their vehicle outclasses us by actual miles. In a matter of seconds, they’re going to be on us.