Page 26 of Master Heimdall
I leaned back, sipping my gin martini. “I don’t know. I told you already what he’d said literally within minutes of having mind-blowing sex in his office. It kinda let the wind out of my sails honestly, and the rest of the day I buried myself in work to avoid an empty feeling that haunted me with our parting. He doesn’t want anyone at work to know about us. I don’t like being a secret to be swept under the rug when he finds it convenient. Can you offer me any advice?”
“I think you're missing what is happening here, Rose, and my guess is because you are so attached to everyone knowing everything. You need to chill a bit. The fact he texted you first says a lot about what the other night and today meant to him. I’m pretty sure what he did with you today he’s never done before with anyone. You should be celebrating, not pouting. Remember, Gabe is by nature a very private individual, and I think that’s why he loves to watch. Stick with that, what you both like, and enjoy what he has to offer.”
“You have a point.” I thought about our chemistry and how off the charts it was, in comparison to anything that came before. I knew when I was playing in all those dungeons around the world that I hadn’t found the one to make my toes curl, but he sure as heck did, and then some!
Mari ordered us another round of drinks. “Mari, you haven’t said much about your parents or how you are doing. I don’t like to insert myself where I’m not wanted, but I’m concerned you haven’t grieved.”
She seemed transfixed by the condensation created by the ice cubes in her glass. “I grieved during their decline in health. I knew there was no coming back for them and after each visit, I cried. When their deaths happened, I was ready to say goodbye.”
I nodded my head in understanding. “That makes a lot of sense. I didn’t have that with my mom. I was too young to know what goodbye really meant.” I slid my hand across the table and took hers. “I hope you know I am here for you, always.”
“I know. Best decision I ever made was talking to you that day at the hotel.”
“Right. I watched you get off the elevator and thought, now there is a woman who knows who she is. You seemed a foot taller than you actually are, did you know that?”
Mari laughed. “So I’ve been told.”
Our next round of drinks came, and as we chatted, the rounds continued to arrive. Hours later, we both stumbled into our cabs, going in the opposite directions. On the ride, I replayed our conversation. I believed it was our eclectic lifestyle and experiences that drew us together. Mari and I were wanderers. She’d found her home with the men from college. Seven proud, strong, successful men who treated her as one of their own. And I’d felt I’d found mine, but only time would tell if he felt the same and we paired well beyond the mind-blowing sex.
I paid the cab driver and weaved into the lobby of my building. Gabe’s building. I lived in his building and worked for his company. What was mine? Intoxication had driven me to analyze things that wouldn’t normally bother me. Everything was Gabe’s, even the damn club where we played was his, and suddenly this really pissed me off.
Yeah fuck it! When I saw him next, I would tell him it was my way or the highway. That thought had me laughing out loud as I struggled to get into my suite.
“What the hell is going on here? Where have you been?”
I shrieked as I wasn’t expecting to hear anyone at 2 a.m., especially not Gabe. “What does it look like,” I slurred, “I’m trying to get into my suite. Actually your suite, everything is yours.” I waved my hand around. “You’re the king of the castle, now maybe you could lower yourself to help a simple woman navigate the lock. How the hell does this work again?” I jiggled the handle, but it didn’t open. “I got to pee, stupid door!”
“Give me that.” Gabe grabbed the key card from my hand and opened the door first try.
“See!” I pointed my finger at him accusingly and then stumbled across the threshold and raced for the powder room. My bathroom was too far if I didn’t want to pee on the floor.
I sighed as my bladder released and hung on to the wall when I stood after wiping. I washed my hands and kicked my heels off and into the hallway, accidentally hitting Gabe in his ball sack. I slid down the bathroom wall in a fit of laughter.
“What the hell is wrong with you, woman? Are you trying to change me from a rooster to a hen?”
“I didn’t see you. Soorreee,” I sung. I tried to stand but it wasn’t going to happen, instead I crawled past him, making for my bedroom. Getting into the bed was too much. Instead, I sat on the floor and leaned back against the baseboard, staring down the hallway at Gabe, who was holding his sack and glaring at me.
“Why are you here? Are you stalking me in my own apartment, Gabriel?”
“It’s late and you didn’t text me. So I watched on the cams until I saw you enter the building. I was going to leave it at that and punish you tomorrow, but I saw you could barely stand and thought to make sure you got in okay. Damn good thing I did. Look at you? Where the hell have you been, and more importantly, who with?”
“Aww. Are you jealous? That’s so cute.” I giggled and got the hiccups.
“Rose. Answer the question.”
“Not that it’s any of your business, as I’m not a client and I didn’t ask you to watch out for me, but I was out with Mari. She ordered so many rounds I lost count. If you want to be mad at someone, then be mad at her for a change and cut me some slack.”
I didn’t like the look he was giving me. “Don’t believe me? Ask her yourself.” I pulled the dress off that I’d worn for the evening and sat in only my bra and panties. “Now if you don’t mind, I need to sleep.”
My eyes closed. I was startled when his strong arms wrapped around me and lifted me from the floor. “You smell good,” I mumbled as he placed me in bed, “and you’re really handsome.” My words trailed off, and I wasn’t sure if he heard me.
“I’ll see you at the office. Good night, Rose.”
Last thing I heard was the click of the door lock moving into place.
* * *
I moaned as I rolled over, hitting what I thought was my alarm. My phone clattered to the floor. Great! I attempted to sit up and was so dizzy I dropped back down. Shit! I was still drunk. I took my time sitting up and kept one hand on the bed to steady myself as I grabbed my phone.