Page 27 of Master Heimdall
I had three unread text messages, and all from work.
You’re late!
I guess next time you won’t stay out so late on a school night!
What the fuck?
When you decide to grace us with your presence, please report to my office immediately.
Oh-oh, I was in shit.
I made it to my feet and staggered to the bathroom to have a shower. My breath was disgusting and I brushed my teeth twice. This morning was one of those times I thanked myself for being so organized. I didn’t have to choose my outfit for the day as it was all ready, hanging neatly in my closet with a pair of shoes to go with it. Luckily for me, I arranged my outfits by days of the week and added all the necessary accessories to complete the look.
I’d never been able to understand why people put all their pants together, then their shirts, etc. How inefficient was that? Way too basic for my logical brain.
No time for naked coffee in the picturesque window or to take the bus. I ordered a cab and had him stop on the way so I could grab a breakfast sandwich and a coffee. I had him pull around back so I could enter through the back door and arrived at Gabe’s office door at 10 a.m.
I tapped on his door. “It’s Rose, Sir.”
He was typing on his computer when I entered. “Good timing. I’m ready.”
Ready? For what? Did I miss a memo?
“Pass me your phone, Rose, I’m installing tracking software.”
I passed him my phone without thinking about what I was agreeing to by handing it over. After a few sips of the much needed bean, my drunken mushed brain leveled up enough for me to at least question what he was doing.
“Is that standard procedure for everyone? I would have thought only those working with clients directly would need that type of software.”
He handed me my phone and leaned back in his chair. He wore a tight-fitting black tee and with his arms above his head, I was gifted a few inches of flesh. His sexy V that disappeared into the waistband of his khakis had me licking my lips and I realized just how parched I was. “Uh, may I have a bottle of water?”
He raised his eyebrows expectantly.
I couldn’t help rolling my eyes. “May I have a bottle of water, please, Sir?”
He smirked but rose and grabbed me one from his fridge. “You are correct in your assumption”—he handed me the bottle of water—“it is only for those working in the security field directly in case something goes wrong. I have added you to this list because I’m worried about you.”
I stayed quiet, processing his words. He had said last night to text him and I hadn’t. Was he really up late worried about me? I felt kind of bad but wasn’t completely convinced this wasn’t a tactic to control me. “I have to know, is this personal because I didn't do as you asked and text to let you know when I’d arrived, or is this because of the company, and my position coming with risks?”
“You meant this morning, and yes, partially at least. Let me see your arm.” He sat forward and placed a bracelet around my wrist. Not exactly my style but it looked well-made and expensive.
“Aww, you shouldn’t have, boss.” I smirked at his look of surprise.
“Oh, you misunderstood. This is a top of the line GPS tracker with a panic chip implanted. You press the clasp here, and it sends an emergency alert to me.”
What the???
“Oh hell, no! I am not being tapped into you so you can spy on me all day. Cams are one thing but knowing my every move? That isn’t my kink, thank you very much!”
Gabriel's eyes went black. “This is not negotiable, Rose. You gave me permission to do what needed to be done from the moment you walked through my doors and started working for me. At work you are my employee, at the club, you are my sub, and that means that I choose the safety protocol and you accept.” He was so far forward in his chair I was worried he’d tip right over.
He was getting angry, but so was I and this wasn’t one of those moments when I felt like deferring to him.
“I’d take it off whenever I wanted to.” I smirked. “You can’t make me agree to this, Gabriel, and you sure as hell can’t force me.” He relaxed back in his chair and I watched the blackness seep away from his eyes.