Page 22 of Hell Yes
Sam pulled out an envelope and handed it over.
“You paid that pretty quick. Thought you needed more time?”
“I—” Sam pulled at his shirt. “I got a loan from a friend.”
“Please, there’s more,” Sam assured him. “Just let me play one more game. Please. I swear I’m good for it.”
Colt let out a chuckle that made all the hair on Val’s body stand on end. Her gut was screaming at her to run but she stayed in place, glancing at Sage.
“Let’s play then,” Colt nodded. “But after the game, the women stay with us.”
As Sam was led inside the building, Val and Sage were guided behind him, and down a set of stairs to the basement. It was cold and dank, reminding her of the bunker at the Hellraisers’ compound. She’d rather be back there and that said a lot. Jesse and Xander were rude and crude but at least they didn’t smell disgusting. Val was weary of the Hellraisers, but at the same time, she was pretty certain that they wouldn’t harm her. Which didn’t make any sense at all. A biker was a biker. They didn’t live by anyone’s rules but their own.
Someone finally turned on a light and Val could see clearly now.
When they entered the room, her eyes widened.
The room was packed with people playing cards and drinking. And snorting what she assumed was drugs, not to mention smoking. There were ten roulette tables with men and women crowded around, shouting, cheering, placing their bets.
Then Val heard the moans. There were people having sex in various parts of the room, in plain sight of everyone. Val was pretty sure her face was red hot by now and so much for playing it cool. The smell in here was just like the men – stale, musky, and overpowering.
“Welcome to the party. Hope you bitches are ready. Looks like quite the randy group tonight.”
Val gagged but didn’t throw up. Just barely.
“Idon’t like this. I gotta bad feeling,” Jesse muttered out loud as they sat in their truck, waiting. “There’s been radio silence for the past eight minutes.”
He always hated this part of an op. The waiting, the wondering. He wanted action, move, go in, take over, take control. Not this. Sitting on his ass while Sage and Val were being subjected to whatever was going on in that party with the Krypt.
A waved of uncontrollable possession wracked Jesse’s body as he thought about Val, the virgin, being mauled by those assholes. Then he thought about Sage. Jesse had no idea how Dante stayed cool with his woman in danger.
If Val were my woman…
Do not go there. That’s crazier than this plan.
“For once, I agree with you. They’re not responding. Something’s happened to the comms,” Xander suggested. “We’re going in.”
“What the fuck,” Sonny muttered and shook his head. “Since when are you deviating from the plan?”
“Since I said so. I’m going,” Jesse announced and stepped out of the car before any of his crew could stop him. No one would yell at him outside. He heard another door close and turned to find Xander behind him.
“Let’s go now, before your dad finds out and kills you himself,” Xander suggested.
They made their way in the dark towards the lot across the street. The place was packed with parked cars of every kind. Jesse didn’t see any movement near the fence, just two bikers, probably probies, minding it. The fence was closed. Climb or break time.
“Let’s head around the side of the building and climb over,” Jesse whispered.
Xander followed, quiet as the night, and the only thing Jesse heard was the sound of his heartbeat. The security was pretty lax given the situation. They stopped near the front entrance, which was guarded by four bikers. How were they gonna get past them? They needed to distract them and fast.
“We need a diversion,” Xander whispered, mirroring Jesse’s thoughts exactly.
Jesse turned around to tell him that he agreed but Xander was suddenly gone.