Page 30 of Hell Yes
A sudden knock at the front door startled her. Wiping her hands on a towel, she cautiously wandered over.
“It’s Jesse. And Xander.”
That didn’t ease her heart rate one bit. Not after that silly dream of hers.
Taking a deep breath, she willed herself to calm and opened the door.
Both men looked as tired as she felt, with dark circles under their eyes. Still, with their morning scruff, worn jeans, and tight t-shirts, their attractiveness couldn’t be denied. A jolt of electricity rushed through her body at the sight of them.
“Didn’t sleep?” she asked.
“Not much,” Jesse replied. “We need to talk to Dante. Our sources near Camden texted us a few minutes ago to let us know that the Krypt are planning to attack us sometime in the next twenty-four hours. We don’t have time for sleep right now. Everyone’s on high alert.”
Val’s stomach dropped at that announcement, but she was determined not to panic.
“Come on in. He’s not up yet. I made breakfast if anyone’s hungry.”
She turned and headed for the kitchen again, with Jesse and Xander following. Images of her dream popped into her head, and she flushed all over. She couldn't believe she was reacting this way. Not just to one man, but two of them. Maybe it was just the stress of the whole thing with Sam. Yes, that must be it. Adrenaline, tempers, everything was running high. Emotions too. Right now, the only thing she could do was follow the crew’s orders if she wanted to survive.
Besides, her dream didn't mean anything. It was just a crazy reaction to an unbelievable situation.
She headed for the kitchen again and opened the cupboard, pulling out more plates, then rummaging through the drawers for utensils. By that time, Dante had emerged from his bedroom, sleepy, but with the same fierce expression on his face as last night. Val wondered if the man ever smiled. Then she remembered how he looked at Sage. He was worried about her. Val could only hope that one day a man would look at her like that.
Putting that ridiculous notion aside, she reached for the loaf of bread, pulled out a few slices and started making toast.
“There’s eggs. Help yourself.” She motioned to the bowl. “Coffee?”
Jesse and Xander both nodded.
“Iced, please. Lots of milk and sugar,” Jesse replied.
“I’ll get the coffee, you grab the ice,” Dante directed, and Val nodded. He walked over to the coffee machine. “Sage is at the farm, but she’ll be back in a half hour. After that, I told her to stay put. No one leaves the compound for any reason. Not until we firm up our plan for dealing with the Krypt.”
“What about Sam?” Val asked. “Is he okay?”
“He’s in the bunker. He’s fine,” Jesse replied.
“Everyone in town will wonder if something’s up when he doesn’t show up to open the diner.”
“No they won’t,” Xander muttered. “And better absent than dead.”
Val said nothing else and got busy serving breakfast. It was like she was back at work, only she was the chef for a change and not a waitress. Not that she was a great cook, but she made do.
Jesse and Xander moaned appreciatively as they ate, and Val noticed them giving her a slow once over. The flush on her face turned to fire. Maybe she should have an iced coffee, too. Turning around, she bent over to open the freezer. Val welcomed the cool down.
Until a loud clatter had Val turning around again.
“Dropped my fork,” Jesse grumbled.
Val reached into the drawer and handed him another.
“He’s distracted,” Xander quipped and pointed at Val. “You in those jeans, well, it’s no small wonder.”