Page 62 of Hell Yes
“Bossy,” Xander teased and swatted her ass. “And you’re coming with.”
“I could get used to this,” Jesse admitted as he sat down on one of the stools and stuffed in a forkful of eggs. “What did you put in these eggs?”
Val smiled at them as she made a plate for herself. “That’s my secret. And I’m not sharing.”
“I thought you enjoyed sharing,” Xander quipped.
“Well, only when it comes to two rough bikers who are surprisingly sweet.”
Jesse dropped his fork and it clattered on the counter. “Sweet? Woman, take that word back. We are anything but.”
“No,” she replied and took a bite of her breakfast. “You can deny it all you want, but I know the truth. Don’t worry, I won’t tell. Your secret is safe with me.”
Xander turned to Jesse and shook his head. “Can you believe this?”
Jesse grunted and kept eating. “Don’t even.”
Val let out a fulsome laugh, and it felt damn good.
After they’d stuffed in breakfast, it was time to head to the clubhouse. Jesse took hold of Val’s hand as they headed outside. He didn’t question why. It felt right, it felt good, so he did it. And when Xander slid an arm around Jesse’s waist, he leaned into it.
Jesse could fight all he wanted, but the truth was right here. He was never one to shy from it. Not when it came to club business or his life.
And the truth was, this threesome wasn’t a one-night stand or a hook up. It was something Jesse had never felt before. It wasn’t just that the sight of Xander and Val made his dick hard, he liked them too. Respected them. Wanted them. Wanted to protect them. The last one hit him the hardest. Jesse wasn’t a possessive person. He believed in personal freedom. But something about Val and Xan had him wanting to claim them. Jesse wanted everyone to know that they belonged to him, and no one else.
Was that crazy? Fuck, yeah.
But he embraced it. If there was one thing he learned growing up in the Hellraiser’s crew, it was that life was short and it was meant to be lived. For however long this thing between him and Xan and Val lasted, he wanted it. He was ready.
As they neared the clubhouse, Jesse noted several members standing on the porch, keeping guard. When they saw the threesome holding on to each other, there was a sudden silence.
Until Jackson opened his smart-ass mouth. “Can I get in on this group action?”
Jesse let go of his lovers and gave Jackson his two best fingers.
“Take that cowboy hat and shove it up your ass,” Jesse replied.
“Kinky. You threesome into that kind of thing? Who tops?”
“Enough!” Jesse snapped and stepped up onto the porch, getting up in Jackson’s face. “Don’t start. This ain’t randos or sweet butts at one of our parties. This is Xander and Val and me. You read me? You get it?”
Jesse’s drilled two fingers into Jackson’s chest and stared him down. His possessive instinct was to punch his fellow crew member right in his smug fucking face. Jesse didn’t tolerate disrespect. But then he felt Val’s soft hand on his shoulder, and Xander’s hard grip on his hip. Just that, his temper calmed to a simmer.
“Relax, Jess, I’m just joking,” Jackson replied. “Didn’t mean nothing by it. Swear on my sled.”
Jesse nodded, calmer, and ignored the stares of his crew around him.
“Looks like Dante was right,” Wyatt called out with a shit eating grin on his face. “Two more club members are down for the count.”
“Enough, we’ve got a meeting to get to,” Xander replied, guiding Jesse and Val into the club house. But when Jesse walked past Jackson, he knocked his biker brother’s hat clean off his head.
“Hey! Don’t touch the hat man, it’s my favorite.”
“No shit. That cowboy hat is the only reason you pull so much pussy,” Jesse snapped.