Page 79 of Hell Yes
The singing in the bathroom stopped and Xander wandered out, a white towel wrapped around his hips, his black hair slicked back.
“You can still move but no singing. At least, not while we’re here,” Jesse quipped.
Xander gave Jesse his favorite finger, whipped off his towel, and proceeded to jump on them, tackling them to the mattress.
Val’s shriek of surprise was followed by laughter.
And it felt damn good.
Jesse and his lovers got dressed and make their way over to the bunker. Val wanted to walk, said she needed the fresh air, and neither Jesse nor Xander could blame her. All three of them held on to each other as they walked over the grassy expanse.
He needed the walk too. Jesse’s world had shifted.
For the first time in his adult life, he felt more than just sexual desire. He knew in his heart that Val and Xander were in his life for good. It didn’t make sense on paper, but it was real and right. They belonged to him, and he to them. It was as clear to him as the blue sky above. But, there were a lot of unknowns.
Would Val really want to stay him and Xan and the MC for good? What if she got pregnant? Suddenly, an image of him, Val, and Xander with a handful of kids didn’t scare him like it should. In fact, he wanted it. Which was all kinds of crazy given his life. Then again, Nate and Rochelle were just about to have a kid. Avery and Sonny, too. If anything, all the wildness that was about to unleash would bring the crew closer together. They were a family, and they were getting bigger, and stronger. Their MC was here to stay.
Jesse texted Sonny and he met them at the door of the bunker, arms crossed over his chest, his usual icy mask in place.
“Did he talk?” Jesse asked.
Sonny nodded and turned to face Val.
“You sister and mother, they’re buried in the woods just behind the farm,” Sonny stated. Val let out a gasp and covered her mouth, turning to Jesse and Xander.
“And that’s not all,” Sonny continued. “There are other members of your religion that were killed and buried along with them. It appears that the people you said disappeared over the years, well, in face, they didn’t. He never let them leave.”
“Except me,” Val whispered. “I was the only one who escaped. The only one who made it out.”
“And that’s why he came after you,” Sonny explained. “He didn’t want to leave any loose ends. Even after five years. It wasn’t just that, though. Most of it has to do with his ego, his pride. You rejected him, and his way of life. And you were smart to leave when you did. Because that man in there? He’s a sadistic fuck. I won’t repeat most of the stuff he confessed to me but believe me when I say the world is better off without him.”
Val shivered in Jesse’s arms. “What kind of stuff?”
“No.” Xander shook his head. “I think you know all that you need to.”
Jesse nodded in agreement. Val wasn’t hardened enough to hear those details. But Jesse would get them. After all, he was pretty sure that a man like Simeon didn’t do all his own dirty work. Simeon had to have accomplices. Other men in his group, probably. And that knowledge was their insurance to make sure Val never heard or saw from anyone in that group again.
“Is he…is he dead?” Val asked.
“Not yet,” Sonny replied. “I wanted to know if you had any more questions you wanted to ask him before I finish up.”
Val bit her lower lip. “No, I don’t have any more questions. I think I know enough. But I do have something I want you to pass along.”
“Go on?”
“Tell him,” she paused and glanced up at Sonny, a fierce look of determination on her face. “Tell him that hell is waiting for him. And it’s a lot nicer than he deserves.”
Val turned and walked back down the stairs.
Jesse nodded at Sonny. “Get it done. And we’ll talk later, yeah? I wanna know all the details about what went on in that cult of his. Make sure our insurance policy is up to date in case any more of his members decide to pay us a visit.”
“Of course,” Sonny replied.
“And make him suffer,” Xander added as he walked past Jesse and followed Val.