Page 80 of Hell Yes
Jesse nodded. “What he said.”
Then Jesse turned and walked away, joining Val and Xander. With the weight of the Krypt crew gone, and now, Simeon, it was time to get back to usual business.
They had drugs to manufacture, guns to sell, and parties to enjoy.
Then his phone buzzed, and Jesse pulled it out to check his messages.
Nate: Get the fuck over here. Chelle’s water broke.
First, they had a new Hellions & Hellraisers member to welcome into the world.
“Rochelle’s in labor,” Jesse called out.
Xander and Val stopped in their tracks.
“I’ll come with,” Val stated. “Your kit is already there.”
“Are you sure you’re up to it? After everything?” Jesse asked.
“I’m fine. I’ll have a good cry later on,” Val insisted. “Right now, I need to forget for a while, and keep busy.”
“You got it,” Jesse replied. “But this ain’t gonna be pretty.”
“I told you, I’ve helped with dozens of births,” Val reassured him. “You’re the one who’s probably going to freak out.”
“Me?” Jesse scoffed. “Please, I’ve seen gunshots wounds and worse.”
Val started laughing, shaking her head at him, and he growled, pulling her in tightly. “Woman, don’t tease me.”
“But I like teasing you.”
Xander grabbed Jesse’s ass and squeezed hard. “I agree. Watching Jesse get riled up is my favorite past time.”
“You wanna come help us too?” Jesse asked Xander.
Val suspected Jesse already knew the answer. And Xander’s horrified expression confirmed it.
“I’m out. Besides, someone has to get the cigars and booze for Nate.”
Jesse nodded. “Good call.”
They said their goodbyes to Xander and headed for Nate and Rochelle’s cottage.
Nate met them at the door, looking flustered and freaked out, holding on to Jesse’s medical kit. A sudden, loud shout echoed behind him. Rochelle wasn’t the most vocal member of the crew. Until now.
“It’s about fucking time you got here!” Nate hissed. “As you can hear, Chelle’s in a lot of pain, and I don’t know what to do.”
“Just leave it to us,” Jesse replied as they entered the house. “All you have to do is hold Rochelle’s hand.”
“I think she’d rather bite it off at this point.”
Val and Jesse bit back a laugh at Nate’s comment. Jesse grabbed his kit and he and Val headed for the kitchen. They washed their hands carefully and put gloves on, then walked down the hallway to see their patient.
The bedroom door was open. A large inflatable bath was set up in the room, but Rochelle was still lying on her bed, with Sage and Avery holding on to her hands.
“Thank fuck you guys are here,” Rochelle called out, her face sweaty, as she held on to her stomach. “I think the baby’s coming real soon. The pain’s getting so bad.”