Page 140 of Double Dare
“Love you, too.” I kiss him back.
“I wouldn’t have even cared if you married Gar to do it,” Jed admits. “Might’ve been a bit jealous of both of you, but at least you’d be able to stay,” he laughs.
“Alright!” Corbin shouts. “Let’s eat and celebrate! Because after dinner, you two have some begging to do.” He points to Jed and Kade.
My dad pipes up. “You want my blessing for this throuple shit, don’t you?”
“Throuple?” Kade laughs.
“Yeah, throuple. A three-person relationship or whatever. I looked it up on the interwebs!”
Oh my god, Dad. Least technologically inclined person I’ve ever met. When everyone starts mocking him about it, he gives them all the finger.
Corbin hands him that whiskey he asked for. “Good to have ya back, Wyatt. You have my blessing to knock any one of my boys into shape.”
Dad cracks his knuckles. “Appreciate that, Corbin.”
Kade actually looks a little nervous.
“Laken, no.” Kade pushes my hands away, glancing around all skeptically. “Behave, or your dad is going to cut my dick off.”
What a baby. “Jed?” I try to run my hand down his chest, but he sidesteps my touch.
“He’ll know,” Jed hisses. “He’ll know.”
Both babies! “How will he know? He’s gone to bed.”
Kade backtracks even more, walking backwards until his ass hits the opposite counter. “Nope. I’ll even sleep on the couch. I’m not fucking you while your dad is here.”
This is the same conversation I had with Jed a year ago all over again. I love that my dad busts their balls, but jeez, I didn’t expect them to be such cowards about it.
“No,” Jed cuts off my thoughts. “We aren’t being pussies. We’re being respectful.”
Okay, fine. I can appreciate that. “I’m going to have a shower then.” I start down the hall and they follow. “Really? You won’t have sex with me, but being in a bathroom while I’m showering is acceptable?”
I push open the door and pause. Steam wafts from the bathroom and…oh my god.
“Boys!” Rayne shrieks. “Our shower is broken!”
I slam the door shut but can’t cut off the bubble of laughter that sneaks up my throat. “I knew it! I knew you guys got your sex drives from your parents!”
Jed and Kade look shell-shocked.
“Sorry! Enjoy!” I shout through the door.
“I’m gonna be sick,” Kade groans.
“I’m so turned off right now,” Jed complains, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Deal with this!” I bark a laugh at the two of them. “You know how many unannounced fucks they’ve probably had to pretend to ignore? It’s their turn.”
“Couch,” Kade states. “I’m sleeping on the couch.”
“Yeah, me too.”
“On second thought. Basement couch, so we don’t have to witness them doing the walk of shame back to their room,” Kade coughs. “Jesus fuck.” He just walks away. “Night, Bossy. Love you.”