Page 38 of Seek and Cherish
“I’m sorry.” Colson seems like a genuinely nice guy and I want to let him down easy. “My ex and I just got back together or I totally would be interested in you.”
His sideways smile makes it clear he understands I’m lying for his sake. “That’s nice of you to—”
The barn door bangs wide open and Bigfoot races inside, growling at Colson. The poor guy freezes in terror, and Bigfoot charges him, arms raised.
“Mac,” I yell. “Stop!”
Neither man seems to hear me.
Colson screams and races out of the barn like the hounds of Hell are on his heels.
Mac, still growling, runs after him.
“Stop chasing him,” I shout.
Mac keeps running, and Colson keeps screaming.
I run out of the barn after them, just to make sure Mac hasn’t totally flipped and decided he’s going to take this Bigfoot thing to the point of murder.
Colson shouts for his friend as he runs, leaping over fences and stumbling over cow patties. As soon as Colson is on the driveway and headed for his car, Mac stops. He looks back at me like he’s waiting. For what? Approval?
I’m too far away to yell at him, but I raise my hands in a ‘what the hell?’ gesture and glare. I trot in his direction, but he salutes me and takes off, headed for the woods.
“What’s going on?” Aiden asks as he walks out of the alpaca barn.
“Bigfoot showed up and chased off Colson.” I run a hand through my sweat-dampened hair in frustration. “I think he wants to leave.”
Aiden’s eyes get wide and he looks around, freezing when he spots Bigfoot’s furry backside as he races past the tree line and out of sight. “Bigfoot was here?”
“He was. It’s never happened before and it’s not going to happen again. I can talk to Colson and convince him it’s safe here if you want to keep working.”
“How do you know Bigfoot’s not coming back?”
“Aiden.” Colson’s standing next to his car, the driver’s door open. “Let’s go.”
“Sorry to bail on you.” Aiden doesn’t look sorry at all. I suspect Colson twisted his arm to get him to come here. He heads back into the barn, probably to grab his water bottle.
I jog over to Colson, using the gates instead of climbing over fences like I do when I’m in a hurry.
“You saw that thing, right?” Colson is shaking, his face pale, his eyes wide.
“I did. That was Bigfoot.”
He looks behind him as though he’s expecting Bigfoot to sneak up on him, before turning back to me. “How are you so calm right now?”
“We’ve seen him around before. He’s harmless.”
His eyes narrow and his face gets red, probably with embarrassment as much as anger. “He didn’t seem harmless when he was chasing me like he wanted to kill me. If I hadn’t gotten to my car…”
“But he ran away without hurting you. He’s long gone. It’s safe for you to work here.”
“Look, you seem nice enough, but that monster clearly wants me off this farm and away from you. As much as I’d like to help, I won’t risk my life to do it.”
“Bro, you really saw Bigfoot?” Aiden asks.
“He fucking tried to kill me, dude.” Some of the color returns to Colson’s cheeks. “If I hadn’t run faster than him, you’d probably be watching him rip out my intestines right now.”
“Dude.” Aiden’s eyes are like dinner plates. “That is fucking sick.”