Page 39 of Seek and Cherish
Colson glances around nervously. “Let’s get out of here before he comes back.”
They pile into Colson’s car and leave. I sigh and turn to head back to the pig barn, but Lila and Harriet are leaning against the fence, waiting for me.
“Did he say Bigfoot chased him?” Harriet asks like she’s bored. The auburn-haired and freckled white woman is a freshman at the university and loves animals, but I’ve never seen her excited about anything.
I’m pretty sure if we took her blood pressure, she’d register as dead. She’s great to have on a farm where the animals often behave in unexpected ways.
“Bigfoot did chase him.”
“Cool.” Harriet nods. “So they just, like, left?”
“They did.”
She snorts. “Wimps.” She turns and heads back to the barn.
“Harriet wouldn’t react if a man with a chainsaw showed up and said he was going to chop her into tiny pieces, but why are you so calm about this?” Lila asks.
I sigh. In my experience, secrets never stay secrets if too many people know them, but I trust Lila and I need her help. “Because Bigfoot and I are sort of friends.”
Lila’s eyes go wide, then she hoots. “I knew it. I knew Bigfoot was just some guy in a suit.”
“He is. He’s the one helping me find the treasure.”
“Interesting. Are you sure he’s safe? I mean a guy who dresses up like…” She trails off and glances back. “Wait, did he attack Colson because the guy—”
“No.” I hold up a hand. “Colson came into the barn to ask if I’m interested. He was a perfect gentleman.”
She waggles her eyebrows. “And are you interested?”
“I’m not looking to get involved with anyone right now, Lila. I let him down easy.”
“And the weird guy who likes to dress up as a fantastical legend just happened to show up at the right moment to chase the guy off?”
I nod, feeling nauseous. “So it would seem.”
“I know. I’m being careful, and maybe there’s a good explanation. I’m going over there tonight to find out.”
“You’re going over there alone?”
“I always have my pepper spray with me and he’s a decent guy, Lila. I truly believe that.” Even if he might also be a criminal, Mac’s been nothing but kind to me. “This whole chasing off a guy who’s interested in me thing is a red flag, but I at least need to hear the man out.”
“I’m going with you.” Her expression’s set in grim determination.
I consider it, but I don’t want Mac to get scared off. I still need his help. “No. I’ll be careful.”
She purses her lips and shakes her head. “You never let anyone help you.”
“I actually do need your help with something.”
She crosses her arms over her chest, not at all placated. “I’m listening.”
“I need to quit my job at the diner, but my sisters need to think I’m still working there. Can you cover for me?”
Lila narrows her eyes for just a moment, before nodding. “Of course I will, babe.”
Together, we get back to work. I’m a sweaty mess by the time we finish, and I only have half an hour to get to work. I still make time to check my social media messages before I hit the shower.