Page 33 of The Betrayal
“Hey, no, don’t go… I’ll go,” my dad’s voice trembles, and I close my eyes, ignoring the burning lump in my throat.
I ignore him. Putting my money on the table, I scoot out of my chair, and walk straight for the door, not looking back.
I stand on the sidewalk, arm out as I try and flag a taxi.
“Hey, hey,” Keaton jogs up behind me, reaching for my elbow he tugs me round to face him.
“Was this some ambush plan? Walk into where we are having lunch like some coincidence?” I tug my arm out of his grasp.
“No, it wasn’t like that,” Keaton closes his eyes for a moment, head hung low. I cross my arms across my chest.
“Do you know what? I’m tired. I have work tonight, just go in there and enjoy your lunch.” Exasperation is evident in my tone.
“Blossom…” Keaton’s eyes widen, his head up and hand tucked round his neck.
Heat rises within me at the nickname. He only called me that during sex. Sex with Keaton is… hot as fuck sex.
Stupid Keaton and his perfect dick.
It’s all I can think of.
Maybe his dick imprinted on me.
I see a taxi coming, my arm is stretched out as it slows and pulls against the sidewalk.
“I’ll see you at home,” I don’t even look at him as I slip into the back of the taxi.
He just stands, hands folded inside his suit pants, but his eyes don’t leave mine until we’re pulling away.
“Blossom…” the nickname rolls off my tongue and I instantly regret it.
Do I?
She just stares, absent for just a moment and I hate that she felt ambushed. I mean she was, it wasn’t a coincidence but she knows that. Of course, she does.
“I’ll see you at home,” her voice is soft as she turns her body away from me and slips into the back of the waiting taxi and I have to stop myself from climbing into the back with her.
But what do I do? I stand, hands tucked deep into my pocket and watch her drive away.
Kicking the toe of my brogue into the sidewalk, I inhale deeply. I knew it wouldn’t work. But hey, what do I know.
Turning, a grimace apparent on my face as I walk back inside the restaurant and see everyone sitting at the table. Titus’s eyes find mine and I can see the desperation seeping out of them.
I shake my head from side to side and he drops his.
“Fucking stupid plan,” I grunt towards Killian and Kaleb, sitting smug as shit with their arms tucked around their partners.
“It was worth a shot, at least they were in the same room for a moment,” Killian pipes up and I glare over at him.
“You fucking ambushed her. She knew it wasn’t a coincidence that me and the fucking cast of the Muppets rocked up.” I ball my fist and sit next to Titus.
They say nothing.
“Just let me fucking deal with her. All you’ve done is push her further away.” I sigh, slipping my phone out to see if she had messaged but she hadn’t.