Page 39 of The Betrayal
“Well, well, well…” I shuffle in my seat, “you know this can only stay a crush though, right?” I goad her and I know she is reeling inside. “We’re forbidden, taboo…” I pause and have to ignore the growing bulge in my pants.
“Obviously,” she brushes it off, but I don’t miss the crack in her voice.
“But you’re not forbidden or taboo to me,” Lucy slides her hand across the table and my lip curls.
“Goldie, you’re sounding desperate. It’s not attractive,” I side-eye her, my brows raised.
“Yes,” I chime and if looks could kill. I would be dead.
Six-foot underground.
Done for.
“Luce, let’s go,” Arizona huffs, the chair scraping along the floor and Lucy nods. She grabs her bag from the floor, swatting me round the back of the head as she walks by me, but not before lowering her lips to my ear and whispering, ‘call me’.
I turn in my seat, watching them walk down the hallway and I call Arizona.
“Hey, Ari… come here for one sec.” I stand up, finger wrapped round my cup, the other folded inside my pocket.
She sulks towards me. Pouty bottom lip. Eyes wild. Hips rocking side to side.
“What?” one hand on her hip, her eyes dance with mine.
“You’re never taboo or forbidden to me… I’ll prove that to you once you’re home,” and her breath trembles. “Have a nice lunch, I look forward to enjoying you later,” I smirk but she doesn’t budge.
“I’m not yours to enjoy… bye Keaton,” she spins on her heel and walks towards her friend.
Defiant little madam.
I have tried to avoid Keaton at every opportunity. It’s been hard. I mean, it’s Keaton.
He is sex on legs.
But I haven’t given in anymore apart from those two times. Yes, we’ve done bits, but no sex.
I wrap myself in my coat as I walk towards Prestige. I was in no mood for work, and I am grateful that I am only working till five today.
As soon as the hour hits, I am going to run out of there like a bat out of hell. I want a self-care evening. Face mask, bath salts, chocolate and a chick flick.
It really does sound like the perfect evening.
I nod to Jerry on the door and slip down the corridor to the dressing room. When I enter, April is sitting on the sofa scrolling her phone.
“Hey,” I wave, dropping my bag by my feet, “how was your vacation?”
“Oh, it was perfect, Bora Bora was beautiful. If you ever get the chance, go,” she nods at me, all wide eyed and giddy.
“That would be a dream,” I sigh, opening my locker and lifting my bag into it.
“Can’t believe I am back here though,” she whines, her head dropping back.
“Mm, Bora Bora is definitely more appealing.” She nods in agreement. “Hey, how about next time your dad wants to book an all-inclusive trip, he can take me too?”