Page 96 of The Betrayal
And instead of being strong, I let him send me to heaven and back again after vowing like aways, that this, is in fact, the last time.
I'm a liar. I know.
Just call me Pinocchio.
Walking into Sarabeth’s, I see Reese sitting at the table alone. Brows pinching as I walk towards her, but I am grateful it's warm in here. Unwrapping my scarf and shrugging my coat off when I get to the table, she looks up from her phone.
“Oh hey,” she smiles, locking it and popping it into her bag.
“Hey,” she stands as she places a kiss on my cheek, and I kiss her back.
“No Connie?”
“Running late,” she rolls her eyes, fingers playing with the rainbow necklace that sits on her neck.
“How's Celeste?”
“She is perfect, just feel like she is growing up way too fast,” she sighs, and I give a knowing nod even though I have no idea.
“How are you feeling? Has it sunk in yet?” she reaches for her sweet, iced tea and holds it up to the waitress to order another.
“Well,” my smile is lopsided as I shuffle in my seat, “it had, until I found out that I am expecting identical twins.” Her lips pop open, the straw of her drink resting on her bottom lip.
“No fucking way.”
“Way,” taking my drink from the waitress I thank her with a nod.
“Shit, wow, that's huge.”
“I know,” I sigh and my shoulders sag a little.
“It's amazing though, you and Keaton must be thrilled,” her British accent is still strong and no signs of it ever fading out.
“We are, it's just not quite what we expected,” my cheeks burn, I can't tell them that the twinnies might not even be Keaton’s.
“When are you back at the hospital?”
My stomach knots. See. Full of lies.
“Monday,” I sigh, “it's been so nice being off work and just doing what I want.” That is not a lie, it has been nice.
“Were they okay? I know they can get funny with leave, but you know, you've had a lot on.” All I do is nod, taking a sip of my tea so I can't run my mouth like I want to. I really don't think Reese would judge me, she hasn't got a judgmental bone in her body, but still... she would tell Killian, and Killian being how Killian is, would no doubt slip up at some point and tell my dad.
No one knows apart from Keaton.
“Yeah, they were fine, doctor signed me off due to my sickness,” a lie. Again.
She nods as if she understands.
“Were you sick with Celeste?” I ask, trying to get the attention off me.
She shakes her head, “I felt a little sicky I think at the beginning, but I had a pretty smooth pregnancy.”
“I am hoping for a smooth pregnancy too. The sickness is so much better; I just need to eat as soon as my eyes are open. Seems to keep it at bay for a little while,” I smile at her and that's when I hear the heavy footsteps of Connie's iconic Dr Martens. I honestly don't think I have seen her in anything but them.