Page 14 of Surrender
“Your words have captured the essence of what marriage is all about - the choice to love, honor, and cherish your partner, come what may. Your willingness to open your heart to love, even in the face of uncertainty, is a testament to the strength of your character and the depth of your faith in the power of love and commitment. And now, as you prepare to exchange rings - the outward symbols of your inward commitment - let us all take a moment to silently bless this union and pray for a lifetime of love, laughter, and happiness for Kachelle and Jacob.”
Everyone bowed their heads as he said a quick prayer.
“The rings, please?”
I pulled Jacob’s wedding band from my finger as his sister passed him my ring. My eyes widened. He spared no expense on what looked to be a three-carat, white gold, emerald cut diamond ring and band set. It shimmered flawlessly under the bright lights. What kind of money did this man make?
The minister raised his mic. “Repeat after me. ‘With this ring, I thee wed. I offer it as a token of my love and a symbol of our unity. Let it always remind you of my devotion, my faithfulness, and my undying love for you.’”
Jacob and I repeated the words as he spoke them. Upon finishing, we slipped them on each other’s fingers. Both were perfect fits.
The minister spoke again.
“May these rings forever encircle your fingers, just as your love forever encircles each other’s hearts. From this day forward, may you wear these rings as a sign of your commitment and your love, and may they serve as a constant reminder of the eternal bond you share. Now, by the power vested in me, and in the presence of God and these witnesses, it is my great honor and joy to pronounce you husband and wife. Jacob, you may kiss your bride.”
Jacob looked at me, and I looked at him. He seemed a little nervous, as was I. We stepped into each other’s space.
“Is it okay if I kiss you?” he asked.
“Boy, the pastor just said to kiss your bride,” his sister said, causing us both to laugh.
“I’m just making sure,” he defended. He looked back at me. “Do I have your permission?”
I nodded. “Yes.”
He didn’t hesitate to snake his arm around my waist and pull me into his chest. His free hand palmed my face as he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. My God… they were so soft… so fucking delicious. My hands came to the sides of his face, and I opened my mouth to receive his tongue. Our kiss was filled with passion we’d yet to discover… lust we’d yet to experience.
It was the most natural thing I’d ever experienced.
When we pulled away and looked at each other, the only thing spoken between us was one simple word… Damn.
Kachelle and I sat at our table, patiently waiting for our food. Jessa tried her hardest to sit with us, but I made her sit with our parents. She just wanted to be nosy, while I just wanted some alone time with Kachelle.
I looked over to find her staring at me. When our eyes met, she looked away shyly.
“What’s on your mind?” I asked.
“Everything… we really got married today.”
“We did. Did you ever imagine it would happen like this?”
I shook my head. “I didn’t. I wasn’t sure what I would be getting into, but I was always hopeful.”
“So… did I meet your expectations?”
“You exceeded them. You are far more beautiful than anyone I would have picked for myself.”
She blushed. “Well, you’re quite handsome, Mr. Mitchell.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Mitchell.”
A smile passed between us. I grabbed her hand and kissed it.
“I want to know everything about you,” I said, squeezing her hand. “What do you do for a living?”
“I own and operate a dental office.”
“Okay, okay. So I take it you’ve clocked my teeth, huh?”