Page 32 of Controlled
I’d never heard Marcia’s voice so animated or so full of rage.
I also didn’t expect to hear her screech seconds after a loud thud echoed into the hallway.
That forced an involuntary yelp from my throat. I slapped my hand over my mouth, but I knew it was too late, the hesitation followed by the pounding of heavy footsteps heading toward the door putting the fear of God into me. I took a look around, immediately shifting to one of the doors, praying it wasn’t locked.
It was.
I scurried to the second door, holding my breath. The asshole was almost to Marcia’s door.
“Just get the fuck out of here before I call the cops.” Marcia’s voice was full of terror. My hand was shaking as I tried the doorknob, thanking all the heavenly stars it was unlocked. I moved inside, slowly closing and lightly latching the door. The prayers continued as the footsteps came closer.
And closer.
And stopped right in front of the door. I slunk further against the wall, still holding my breath. Finally, I sensed Gregor was moving away. When I heard another muffled sound later, I thought about calling the police myself. I would if the bastard didn’t leave. As I returned to the door, the muffled sound of their loud voices continued. I was risking my own safety, but I had to hear what was going on.
I opened the door just a crack.
“I’d be very careful if I were you, Mrs. Casper. I’m certain you won’t like what happens if you cross me or my organization.”
“You’re threatening me now, Gregor? Isn’t that beneath you?”
He laughed, the sound unlike anything I’d heard from him, entirely too evil.
“Don’t fuck with me, Mrs. Casper. I know all about you and your lovely family. You should have learned by now that I get exactly what I want.” He elongated the last few words for emphasis, laughing once again afterward.
“And don’t fuck with me, Gregor. I have information on you that you won’t like exposed.”
He chuckled, obviously amused. When he spoke something in what sounded like Spanish, I was reminded of the rumors I’d heard about him. What if he was a member of some crime syndicate? What in the world was he doing in the United States?
I heard another sound, something being thrown against the wall seconds before his footsteps pounded in my ears all over again. I closed the door, backing away as I’d done before. This time, Gregor didn’t stop, moving in a perfect rhythm down the hall. When I could no longer hear his footsteps, I took a deep breath.
What in the hell was going on?
I waited for at least two additional minutes before daring to open the door, popping my head out and considering walking into the hallway. There was no one in sight and Marcia wasn’t making any sounds. Nervous, I shifted out of the room, taking another look over my shoulder before heading to her office. The door was still open and she was sitting at her desk, her head in her hands.
“Mrs. Casper?” I kept my voice low, but my sudden appearance still scared her to death.
She jerked up her head, terror unlike anything I’d seen crossing her face. Her expression softened a few seconds later. “Goodness. Bella. You scared me half to death. What in the world are you doing here on a Sunday?”
“I wanted to bring you something that was given to me last night from one of our patrons.”
“Oh?” She was obviously doing her best to compose herself, glancing around the room and grimacing. When she did that, I scanned the other side of her office, realizing Gregor had tossed her phone against the wall. It was in a dozen pieces on the floor. I tried to act as if I hadn’t seen it, my hand still trembling as I pulled the check from my purse, placing it on her desk.
“I didn’t see you last night or I would have handed it to you then.”
Her eyes lit up when she saw it. “Oh, my goodness. She’s only donated a few token dollars before. How did this happen?”
“I honestly have no idea. She just told me she adored the performance and hoped we could succeed.” How could I tell her the lady had been threatened much like she had been?
“This is amazing. And you did a lovely job last night. Or so I heard.”
That meant she hadn’t been at the show. I was surprised but by the odd look on her face, I had a feeling I shouldn’t ask.
“Well, thank you for dropping this off. Now, go enjoy your day off.”
“I will.” As I’d done before, I moved toward the door, stopping before leaving. “Mrs. Casper? Is everything okay? When I was walking down the hall, I was certain I heard loud voices.”
She seemed startled, studying me intently. “Everything is just fine, Bella. Go home. Forget what you might have heard.”