Page 89 of Controlled
“Yeah,” Kane responded. “It would appear your discussion with Frederico worked. He made a nonformal announcement that I was sent a copy of that his son died tragically in an accident.”
I took a deep breath. In the world of crime lords, the lengths that were required were merciless. “That will infuriate the New York clan if Antonio was working with the Romanos.”
While I had no idea what he was talking about, I sensed it was of tremendous importance to Creed’s empire.
“True. And there’s something else. You were right to bring Bella here. Armand is her father. He’s been keeping tabs on her since learning of her birth.”
“Fuck. I knew it. I’m glad I followed my instincts.”
I had to bite my tongue to keep from squealing.
“I take it you are using her as a pawn in this twisted game,” Kane said gruffly.
That was all I needed to hear. What I’d shared with Creed had been a lie. I’d been stupid or had lost my mind for believing for even one second the ruthless bastard could ever care about me. I backed down the hall, struggling to keep from sobbing openly.
Get away. You need to get the hell out of here.
At least my inner voice was trying to protect me since it was apparent no one else could. When I was at the door, I turned and headed back to the pool, pacing the area as I wrung my hands. This was crazy. No, the entire situation had been a vicious game.
Before I realized what I’d done, I’d snatched Creed’s keys from the table, curling my fingers around them and heading to the set of deck stairs.
I was so sick inside, no longer able to believe anything about my past or the brief but electric connection with a man I could no longer trust. I was close to laughing hysterically, not realizing I’d walked onto the grass, heading toward the water. Let anyone dare try to stop me. By the time I was twenty feet from the shore, I was close to hyperventilating. I’d had a right to know who my father was. Why didn’t she tell me? Embarrassment? A threat made?
My heart was racing and I looked over my shoulder and all around me, not seeing a single soldier. When I turned my attention toward the two boats, I realized one of them wasn’t that big. Was it possible I could get away, seeking help? From whom I wasn’t so certain at this point but there had to be someone. Marcia. She would take me in. Right? I had to warn Grace and Tonya. They had no idea they might be in danger.
Were they in danger?
Had Jonas been murdered because of who his father was and his grandfather? Wait a minute. If my father had been released from prison, was he retaliating for being convicted? Nothing was making any sense, but my gut told me to run.
As fast and as far away as possible.
After scanning the area for a second time, I took quick but careful steps toward the dock, praying to God I could get away.
Please. Please. Please.
I refused to stay here with a fucking bastard who’d lied to me.
I wanted to crush the phone between my fingers. “I’m not going to use her as bait if that’s what you mean, Kane. She doesn’t deserve that level of bullshit.” How the fuck had something as huge as Armand Marcello having a daughter not been discovered? Maybe that’s why Bella’s mother had turned toxic. She’d been threatened. Why would the man not provide some money for support?
It hadn’t mattered the man had been behind bars all this time. He’d still had at least some control over his troops, his empire, his offshore bank accounts. Unless he’d been worried his enemies would go to any length to end his notorious career.
When his phone rang, I almost snarled. If Kane had easily managed to secure her DNA, then that might have been Gregor’s objective. Or… I moved toward the window, trying to put the pieces together, not paying any attention to what Kane was saying behind me.
“Fuck,” Kane hissed a few seconds later. “You are not going to believe this.”
“At this point, I’ll believe anything.”
“I have a feeling this Jonas kid was indeed killed in retaliation, possibly by Armand. His father, Sebastian Carrington is the son of the man Armand killed and Sebastian was already making noise about taking down the rest of the man’s empire. But there’s fucking more.”
I walked closer, noticing a bead of sweat was trickling down one side of his face. “What?”
“Maybe I’m wrong or maybe a war had just started. Armand was found murdered, his body washing up on shore.”
“What the fuck?”
He snorted. “Yeah, and there’s a rumor Gregor was working with Armand, which is why he was in town in the first place, to meet with the South American. I don’t know if it’s true but none of this can be coincidental.”