Page 90 of Controlled
“Where the fuck is Gregor?”
“He wasn’t killed alongside the man if that’s what you’re asking. I have a couple men heading to his apartment right now.”
“Good. The Romanos must be behind this shitstorm. Find out about where Carlos is. There is a chance, not that I should give a shit, the man and his empire have also been compromised.” And if Nico believed for one second Bella was going to be forced to marry Alessandro to ensure a tight hold on New York, the fucking Italian was out of his goddamn mind.
“Yeah, will do.”
We both heard footsteps seconds later, two of my perimeter soldiers rushing in. Both looked harried.
“Boss. We got a problem. The perimeter has been breached. Three cameras disabled.”
“Fuck.” I swung around to the window, trying to locate Bella. When I noticed she was headed toward the dock, I reacted instantly, throwing open the doors. “Lock down the estate. Kill anyone who isn’t one of ours.”
I raced outside and for the first time in as long as I could remember, I wasn’t just angry someone had refused my orders.
I was terrified that by doing so, the woman I couldn’t live without would get herself killed. I couldn’t allow that to happen.
I felt so many emotions, including betrayal. I don’t know what I was expecting from a man like Creed. He was a user. I had to face facts. I had been a pawn and nothing else. I shoved aside the sobs, the tears, and my hatred long enough to try to think clearly.
Once I stepped onto the wooden surface of the deck, I hurried toward the boat I thought I could handle, shaking all over as I fought to untie it from the mooring post. It didn’t appear too big or too complicated. It was the only way I had of escaping. I’d never get around the number of soldiers Creed had ordered to surround the property. Even running through the woods wouldn’t do anything. I’d be found easily, the man’s masterful skills at hunting never far from my mind.
He’d slaughtered people. He’d tracked them down like they were wild animals. How could anyone do something like that?
I hopped onto the boat, studying the controls. It was a power boat, a little larger than the one I’d driven now what seemed like a lifetime ago, but it couldn’t be that hard. Right?
I fumbled with the keys, trying my best to act nonchalant, even easing onto one of the captain’s chairs at an angle so I could pay attention to see if anyone had noticed me. From what I remembered, the key was smaller than a car key but not tiny. I found four that could work. The first and second were a no go. My nerves kicked in and I dropped the keys underneath the seat.
As I struggled to reach them, I heard what had to be loud voices. The moment I managed to snag the ring, I slowly lifted my head. Why were two of the soldiers running toward the house? I had to hurry. I could feel it. I did what I could to control my nerves, hissing when the third key didn’t work. Maybe I’d been wrong. Now what? I had one more key to try. When I slipped it in, I was rewarded and almost shouted gleefully.
Get control. You can do this.
Right. I was so far in over my head I had no clue what I was doing. Not really. But I thought about what my previous boyfriend had taught me. Activate the choke. Turn it to an on position. Wait for the warning lights to go off. Press the primer bulb until it’s firm. I counted to five, the voices sounding as if they were getting closer. I didn’t have any time left. Someone was running toward me and I was certain I heard my name being called.
As soon as I turned the key to the start position, the engine roaring to life, I glanced over my shoulder. I was right. Creed was running toward me, waving his arms.
Pop. Pop. Pop.
What the hell was that?
I struggled to keep my mind on what I was trying to do, finally figuring out how to pull the boat away from the dock. It wasn’t graceful but I managed it just as Creed jumped onto the dock. I could hear him yelling and I could hear something else.
Pop! Pop! Pop!
“Bella. No!”