Page 53 of Perfect Boy
“I’m going to fuck you, and you’re going to keep your arms just like that,” I murmur against her neck. “And if you make a sound…I’ll have to punish you.”
At my words, a soft, strangled moan leaves her lips, and I tilt my head to the side.
“Strike one, baby. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you wanted to be punished.” Reaching between her legs, I yank her thong down, tossing it on the floor.
Grabbing her thighs, I pull her legs around my waist. All at once, I plunge inside of her. And when I begin thrusting in and out of her, she tips her head back, her breathing growing heavy, and she moans louder.
“Bad girl,” I growl. “I see what you’re doing. Making noise, just hoping to be punished. Well, baby, what I should have said was, I’ll punish you by not letting you come. I’ll get you really, really close, and then before your pussy has a chance to clench around my cock, I’ll pull out.” I lean forward, biting down on her shoulder. “So, Ry baby, are you going to be quiet? Are you going to be allowed to get off on my dick or not?”
Sluggishly, she nods, not breathing a sound.
“Good,” I mutter before I grip her hips and thrust in and out of her again.
She bites down on her lower lip so hard that I’m shocked I don’t see blood dripping from her pretty mouth.
The water sloshes around as I fuck her over and over again, knowing we’re both on the edge of letting go. And she stays quiet, never making a sound.
Of course, I wouldn’t let her not come. But she doesn’t need to know that.
“Someone can swim in my cum tomorrow, Ry baby. I don’t give a fuck. I’m going to come inside my wife’s sweet fucking pussy and fill you so fucking full. Reminding you that you fucking belong to me.”
Gripping the back of her head with one hand, I push our mouths together just as I feel her squeeze around me. She doesn’t full-on moan, but she squeaks a little as she drags in a breath.
Our rocking becomes slower and our kisses messier as we both drag in shaky breaths. As her eyes flutter open, I reach above her head and untie her hands. But not before kissing her one last time.
“Good girl,” I breathe out. “Now, let’s soak this leg of yours. Seeing as I probably just made it worse.”
She smirks up at me, her makeup smudged and her hair a mess.
“You’re kind of hot when you act all dominant.” She splashes me lightly. “Just a tad.”
“Yeah? Well, trust me, that’s just a glimpse, baby,” I say seriously.
Because to be honest, there are so many more things I want to do to this girl. And I will.
I pull in front of Ryann’s house, and she instantly unbuckles her seat belt, but doesn’t get out right away. And I’m thankful for it too. Because I’m not ready to say good-bye to her for the night.
“I need to get something off my chest. It’s been really bothering me,” she says softly. “I know I said before I was sorry for acting like a bitch. But I really owe you an apology. I judged you just because you’re a jock, and that wasn’t fair.” She turns to face me, tilting her head slightly. “Guess I need to learn that not everyone is like my crazy, cheating ex.” She tenses. “Or my mom’s piece-of-shit exes.”
Reaching over, I brush a wet strand of hair away from her face. When I do, her head leans against my hand, making me cup her cheek. It’s a small gesture, but to me, it means everything. It means that maybe she is learning to trust me.
“It’s all right. But I am curious about that. How long did y’all date?”
“Too long,” she utters. “Six months.”
“Was he always so…controlling?” My fist curls up as I think about how he was talking to and about her. “If you don’t mind me asking.”
“For the first month or so, no. Not at all. But then, he just got super jealous. And he always thought I was cheating on him. Or he’d accuse me of flirting with his friends.” She sighs. “It’s crazy, you know; when I was growing up, my mom was always bringing home these awful men. Some were just complete losers. Some used her. And others, well, they knocked her around.” Her hands stay folded together in her lap. “As bad as it sounds, I’ve always thought of her as a stupid woman for putting up with what she did. Turns out, I’m like her.” Her eyes widen as she sees the look on my face. “Denton never hit me or anything. He was just very, very controlling.” She tries to lighten the mood with a laugh. “And a complete toolbag.”
I relax a little, but I know he sure as hell emotionally abused her. Thanks to him and her mother’s stellar life choices, she feels like she won’t ever fully trust me. Or anyone for that matter. I didn’t really get it before. I was frustrated that she had this wall up, never letting me so much as chip away at it. Now, I understand. Her wall keeps her safe.
I don’t care if she has her heart locked up like Alcatraz; I’m getting through.
As if needing to change the subject, she waves her hand. “What about you? Any crazy exes who are going to be coming for me now that I’m your wife and all?”
“Nah,” I say with a shake of my head. “I’ve only had one serious girlfriend. Rosie. And that was back in high school.”
“What happened with her?”